ironyengine wrote:Josef K wrote:Ok, I've no idea how Gallo smelled, but if either of my kids acted in the manner reported of that child, I'd explain to them that there are more courteous ways to handle the situation.
Even if it was Vincent Gallo? Be honest now.
Any children I have will be fully trained in how to avoid Vincent Gallo, and if no other alternative remains, to snub the fuck out of him.
I've spent a very pleasant afternoon/evening attending a kilt fitting and subsequent drinks for the wedding of erstwhile PRF member 'el capitan danjou'. Everything was going swimmingly until I got back to Glasgow, had a 'mare of a time trying to get a bus home thanks to FirstBus being a barrel of motherfuckers for whom a timetable is a sick joke, then thanks to the dickhead cab drivers who wouldn't stop for me although their lights were on...
Eventually got home to find that my flatmate had taken my one can of beer I had out of the 'fridge to make room for a bunch of her crap. Words will be had tomorrow.
Thanks to The Jesus Lizard, The Gersch and Robert Pollard for making the journey home a LOT more bearable...
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.