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Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought
Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 9:06 am
by Tom Wanderer
Yeah that seller has been at it forever. A while back I bought a Biamp MR140 for cheap that I was so excited about, but it didn't work. Like no wet signal. I checked everything I could, checked and double checked leads, swapped tanks, all sorts of stuff. Seemed like it should have been such an easy fix, but I couldn't sort it out and opted for a return while I could still get my money back. I saw that plants n tablecloth seller had one (of course) for way more than I was willing to spend. I looked for another Biamp for months with no luck and eventually found that EV for $275 and felt like I was overpaying and settling for less, but I think I came out on top in the end. It works beautifully, seems indestructible and has a much broader reverb palette with the two tanks and blend control.
Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought
Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 3:22 pm
by Kniferide
PMC's finally in place
Pretty absurd. the folding table is going to have to go and I'm building a new desk. They sound great at low to moderate volume (where I like to work anyway) but quickly overwhelm the space if pushed a little. Its a lot for what is basically a control room built into a large walk-in closet.
Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought
Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 5:49 pm
by llllllllllllllllllll
So badass. Good on you man
Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought
Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 1:40 am
by Ace K
Bacchus JRP Surf Breaker! Jazzmaster shaped body made from a fallen Japanese red pine tree, flat top with a German carve on the edge, telecaster bridge/bridge pickup, gold foil neck pickup. 25.5” scale. First brand new guitar I’ve bought since high school. It fucking rips, big tele sounds but not icepicky, plays very easy even with 12s, super snappy. Has me playing funk chords and Andy Gill riffs all day. Turned up loud with my old drummer the other day and I guess I gotta write some fucking songs now.
Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought
Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 10:58 am
by bassdriver
Kniferide wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 3:22 pm
PMC's finally in place
Pretty absurd. the folding table is going to have to go and I'm building a new desk. They sound great at low to moderate volume (where I like to work anyway) but quickly overwhelm the space if pushed a little. Its a lot for what is basically a control room built into a large walk-in closet.
That’s such a great story J ! Congrats!
Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought
Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:18 pm
by Garth
that room's clearly too small for 'em. You should sell 'em to me. I'll give you what you paid for 'em so you don't lose any money.
Aw heck, you know what, I'll even just go head and cover shipping too.
Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought
Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 2:53 pm
by Kniferide
Garth wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:18 pm
that room's clearly too small for 'em. You should sell 'em to me. I'll give you what you paid for 'em so you don't lose any money.
Aw heck, you know what, I'll even just go head and cover shipping too.
If I decide to get rid of them, we can talk.
Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:16 am
by benadrian
I just picked up one of those 15 watt Monoprice amps that’s based on the Laney Cub amp. It was “broken” and dirt cheap. I swapped some tubes and got it working. It sounded okay. The reverb is total dog shit. Then I plugged it into one of my 1-12 cabs and holy crap! It was not live changing, but for a super budget amp it sounded quite good. It seems like the two biggest weak spots are the speaker and the cabinet materials.
Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 9:56 am
by Dudley
matttkkkk wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 7:56 pm
Dirt cheap Dolamo D-8 overdrive from eBay turned out to be absolutely fucking awesome. $A31 delivered so probably $US 20? Beautifully cranked on my Tele, wide range of tones, no background noise, goes from a bit burred to snarly in very good ways. Apparently it’s a Timmy clone. Nice quality for no money, and I can dial in the sounds I want to hear very easily.
I got one, and I'm very happy I did. Having been through a bunch of OD's looking for something that works well with SS and modelling amps, I thought based on your description it was worth a £28 punt. Its tone controls are weird, requiring significant tweaking between guitars to do something similar. With some guitars, it has an enormous amount of bottom end - I have never ever had to run an OD with the bass all the way down before. It is great both for v low gain sparkle, which "tubes up" a SS clean channel nicely, and for spiky crunch - I keep on playing "September Gurls" with it. WIth my Tele, it sounds like a blendable drive, almost as if there are two separate signals. At low gain settings, it does what I've tried to use a compressor for in the past - clean guitar that sounds like it's being played loud.
Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:42 am
by llllllllllllllllllll
I just sang into an old white 421 for the first time and after listening the next day, it had a character so that it sounded like a cool finished recording w/ only a little bit of reverb, even if the take itself wasn’t all that. I wonder why they’re not more known for vocals. Normally I am on here complaining about the mics I’ve sang into.
I’ve had this mic for forever and I got it because it was cheaper than the good condition used new models. Sometimes on instruments I’ve missed the brasher sounds the recent ones are supposed to be capable of, but I suppose if I had one of those I’d be complaining about that too.
Mine has a conversion cable and it seems like I always have to remember to flip the phase when its next to a newer mic. Oh yeah and I had 12 db from a Royer mic booster on it into the preamp.