stuff you don t see anymore

the_rekoner wrote:my friend picked up white dogshit when we were kids and chased me with it. funny but i don't see him anymore.

The popular opinion amongst my peers, who also lament the disappearance of white dogshit, is that there used to be a lot of calcium added to popular dog foods. Which is now no longer the case.

When I was five some 'friends' of mine tricked me into picking up a white dogshit by telling me it was a moth's chrysalis. They then taunted me, saying that they wouldn't touch me for a hundred years.

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:Anarchy symbols spray-painted on walls.

In Hull, up until recently, the was some prominent graffiti in the city centre that read, "Free the Baader-Meinhof!". Sadly, I noticed on my last visit that this slogan was no longer there.

diego wrote:Laser Discs

A friend of mine has a laser-disc player. We watched The Ice Storm on it. I think we needed to change discs halfway through. Apparently, it is still a popular format...somewhere in the world(?).

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