Pickup Lines

scott wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:No, I thought about it and that just makes you seem like a real puss.
Like a woman, really. That's how they do it.

So, you big champion, after you've "won" this poor self-hating girl away from her wuss of a boyfriend, and you've taken her somewhere and fucked her like the big man that you are, do you and she compare stories from childhood? Have a contest to see which one of you can trump the other with the best "oh yeah, well one of the times I was abused, ..." stories? Do you both have lots of stories that begin with "one time, when my mom's boyfriend was fucking me in the ass"?

PS - your trolling is so goddamn transparent these days.

Yes I must be deranged.
The 'PS' part is the dorkiest thing I have read all day, for a variety of reasons. Have you no dignity little vaginal indie rock sissy internet man?
have you anything? Nothing?
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Pickup Lines

scott wrote:
If I was a chick and some guy used this sad old line on me (what is this from, the 30's?!) I would counter with something like, "So angels can't fly then?" or "I'm getting mixed signals from you... are you saying you think I'm an angel, or mortal?". Or maybe just stare at him and fart as loud as I could. That would be cool, too.

Scott, former TMH, my poor soul, you say this as if there are any good pickup lines (which this thread has boldly proven). The pick up line, even if she is good, is still bad! Yes?
Tiny Monk site and blog

Pickup Lines

Marsupythingy. I bet I could beat the shit out of you. And I'm a complete pussy. And a nerd! I even wear glasses and have a bad haircut. Still, I could kick your ass. Without even trying very hard.

How do you like them apples?
simmo wrote:Someone make my carrot and grapefruits smoke. Please.

Pickup Lines

Rotten Tanx wrote:Marsupythingy. I bet I could beat the shit out of you. And I'm a complete pussy. And a nerd! I even wear glasses and have a bad haircut. Still, I could kick your ass. Without even trying very hard.

How do you like them apples?

I'll take that bet.
In fact I bet 100 dollars of my own hard earned dough that my girlfriend could whip your ass and make you cry real tears of pain in under 2 minutes.
You know, you nerds have been saying you are going to come to one of our shows and beat me up or teach me a lesson or turn me on to the sissy lifestyle or whatever you have in mind for about a year now and I am still waiting.
Waiting waiting waiting. Never do they show, not even to heckle and run. Not even to throw a bottle at me or anything. They just sit at their computers pissing and bitching and moaning like the fucking nothing funny or interesting to say waste of time sissy rich kid indie rock nerds they are.
I officially DARE any group of you nerds to show up and give it your best shot.
I will fistfight any 12 of you people at the same time. I am serious, get your group together and start training because how could I possibly take on 12 of you, you have to win, right? I mean 12 of you 1 of me, come on.
I think you know I would TRAMPLE you like I would some girl's feelings.
Nothing to be ashamed of, some people are just weak.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Pickup Lines

Marsupialized wrote:
I officially DARE any group of you nerds to show up and give it your best shot.
I will fistfight any 12 of you people at the same time. I am serious, get your group together and start training because how could I possibly take on 12 of you, you have to win, right? I mean 12 of you 1 of me, come on.
I think you know I would TRAMPLE you like I would some girl's feelings.
Nothing to be ashamed of, some people are just weak.

I ain't got time to bleed.
Tiny Monk site and blog

Pickup Lines

an italian comedian called Daniele Luttazzi has written a book called "101 things never to say when approaching a girl".

my favorite ones in order:

"love me and i'll let you wash my truck"

"my name is Gaetano and tonight you're gonna scream it"

"fuck with me: i'll explain everything to you later"

Pickup Lines

Marsupialized wrote:You know, you nerds have been saying you are going to come to one of our shows and beat me up or teach me a lesson or turn me on to the sissy lifestyle or whatever you have in mind for about a year now and I am still waiting.

Hey, insecure tough guy, when has anyone on this board ever expressed an interest in being anywhere near you?

No one cares about your tough guy moves.

Pickup Lines

Marsupialized wrote:You know, you nerds have been saying you are going to come to one of our shows and beat me up or teach me a lesson or turn me on to the sissy lifestyle or whatever you have in mind for about a year now and I am still waiting.


They just sit at their computers pissing and bitching and moaning like the fucking nothing funny or interesting to say waste of time sissy rich kid indie rock nerds they are.

Who ever said that? One of your shows? You play shows? I didn't even know you're in a band! What band are you in? When's your next show? Seriously!

To address the second paragraph here, and keep it in the context of this thread... I met Itchy for the first time tonight, and tried out a new pickup line on her. It went like this...

Posed as a question: "Pickup line?" and a face like "hey, I dunno!" with a shrug.

It was terribly stupid, and quite fun.

Also, hey, no pickup lines exchanged, but so nice to see Tom's band, and meet Tom!

So with regard to your notion that we (I'm assuming you were at least partially addressing me in your "you sissy indie nerds" or whatnot) sit in front of computers and don't ever go out, I'll point you to _this thread_ where I am updating my previous response.

Cheers, douche! Enjoy life alone in your fantasy world!
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

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