Band: The Breeders

Total votes: 12 (15%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 68 (85%)
Total votes: 80

Band: The Breeders

AnthonyVillalobos wrote:I just bought "Mountain Battles" last night and it's really good.

I'm probably gonna get my brain slaughtered for saying this, but I'm yet to hear "Pod". I've been on the lookout for it everywhere.

I'm probably gonna have to order it.

"Pod" is the best one my friend! Go get it! Easily one of the best things of the 90's.

"Mountain Battles" is also very good, but not as good as "Pod".

Band: The Breeders

I think about 15% of the Breeders' catalogue is astounding.

Maybe another 15% is very, very good.

Some of it is a little half-assed.

I don't dislike any of it.

It's sticky music.

Sometimes you get to the bottom of someone's song that you like, and you feel like you really get it, and then it just kind of evaporates.

It's like you decoded it and realized it was just a hodgepodge of stuff, and whatever magic it had is gone.

Kim Deal's things don't do that--they stick to you when you get close to them.

I think this is the case b/c she has an unique ear for music. It's not necessarily apparent on casual listen, b/c she is not trying to be weird or to do anything but exactly what she feels like doing.

Her stuff is just slighty, consistently bent.

Unselfconscious, almost unconscious for that matter.

She is a great rock arranger. Like, great.

Not crap.

Band: The Breeders

The song "Off You" from Title TK is great enough that it inspired me to buy the new album yesterday. And until I walked into the store I didn't even know the Breeders had a new album.
DrAwkward wrote:If SKID ROW likes them enough to take them on tour, they must have something going on, right?

Band: The Breeders

tmidgett wrote:Some of it is a little half-assed.

Such as Mountain Battles. Just picked it up, and I am really trying to like it. I shouldn't have to try this hard. Half-assed is exactly how I'd describe it: 2-3 chord progressions that turn into entire songs, ridiculously repetitive lyrics, and completely forgettable melodies.

This band has always had a very raw sound (even on Last Splash), which is why I like them so much, but it has morphed from raw to just lazy.

They're still one of my favorite bands, but man I'm disappointed.
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill

Band: The Breeders

I adore the Breeders. Kim's voice is beautiful, and whoever is responsible for the songwriting has consistently done an excellent job.

Strangely, I don't really care about the Pixies. Have never really liked anything they ever did.

The Breeders should not sound so different from the Pixies, but they do.

I'm a big fan of that Title TK album they did with Steve. That's a grossly underrated album. They clearly spent a bunch of time on it.

Haven't heard the new one but I'm planning on it.
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