Is this show any good??

Total votes: 3 (10%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 26 (90%)
Total votes: 29

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

stewie wrote:
DrAwkward wrote:
stewie wrote:Don't worry Adam - apparently we're not getting any new episodes until 2008 (!) anyway.

Boooooo indeed.

Except for a two-part Pegasus story in late 2007.

Oh man! I'm gonna be mestmerized.

I love BSG but I am never going to check out another BSG "webisode" again. Those were pretty lame.

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

noise&light wrote:
stewie wrote:
DrAwkward wrote:
stewie wrote:Don't worry Adam - apparently we're not getting any new episodes until 2008 (!) anyway.

Boooooo indeed.

Except for a two-part Pegasus story in late 2007.

Oh man! I'm gonna be mestmerized.

I love BSG but I am never going to check out another BSG "webisode" again. Those were pretty lame.

The two-part Pegasus thing won't be a webisode. It's a two-part episode that's gonna be broadcast on Sci-Fi and then released on DVD, like, the next week.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

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