USS Horsewhip Contractual Obligation Tour 2006.

MajorEverettMiller wrote:If you still have a chance to catch USS Horsewhip, DO IT.

They killed last night. And they're nice guys to boot.

Salut, Thee USS Horsewhip! So good!

Thank you, Major.

I would also like to point out that forum member Krystofsky is not only a flamethrower of a guitarist, but can also keep up with the USS Horsewhip party train.
Police Teeth: we like Void so much, we decided not to sound like them.

USS Horsewhip Contractual Obligation Tour 2006.

alex maiolo wrote:I thought y'alls was gonna play in Raleigh.
Did something change?


Well, James claims they did.

I can't wait for the special edition blog, when we find out what the fuck happened in Memphis. Or, I'll just wait till the homecoming show on 5th, with member Pure L's band the Ruby Doe.
Pure L wrote:I get shocked whenever I use my table saw while barefooted.

I Made Out With You Before You Were Cool
Don't Sit On The Pickets

USS Horsewhip Contractual Obligation Tour 2006.

That's all I'm going to tell you about Memphis. Some shit went down, and we were literally chased out of town early Wednesday morning, when our tour guide Bill told us in no uncertain terms "I like you guys, but you have to leave. How soon can you be ready to go?"


I demand to hear this story.

Also, i have never before heard the vodka/red bull combination referred to as a "shredbull" before reading this latest tour update. Salut, James! That is fabulous!

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

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