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how was ATP?

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 1:09 pm
by Noodles_Archive
I want to see the cardiacs do one. It'd be ace. And more jazz- something with Marc Ribot.

how was ATP?

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 5:07 pm
by stuffy_Archive
Noodles wrote:I want to see the cardiacs do one. It'd be ace. And more jazz- something with Marc Ribot.

Jesus, there are more of us? I was discussing that with 3 others, at ATP last weekend, in hushed tones for fear of being lynched.

If our votes suceed in getting Cardiacs on then we should celebrate with a bottle of the finest Champagne that Butlins has to offer.

how was ATP?

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 5:08 pm
by Adam CR
I voted for Cardiacs too.

how was ATP?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:06 am
by Noodles_Archive
stuffy wrote:
If our votes suceed in getting Cardiacs on then we should celebrate with a bottle of the finest Champagne that Butlins has to offer.

And a nice chorus of a dog-like sparky.

I'm surprised there haven't been any votes for MBV yet, I was thinking of just sticking them on to see what happened.

how was ATP?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:11 am
by hollis_Archive
I thought the Nightmare Before Christmas totally ruled and was a much hightened experience than previous ATP's. Yeah, it was more luxurious, yeah it seemed even more white/middleclass than ever before but I simply cannot think of a finer way to hear and discover music.

I tricked my wife into going to it and I think that the appointments of the venue and the comfort (opposed to EVERY OTHER UK FESTIVAL) made it real easy for her to at least appeciate the hour long improv sets and the noise to such an extent that she wants to go to the next in April.

Due to the orientation of the venues (maybe except crazy horse) you could always get a good position to hear and see the bands. You could sit down if you wanted to! which for an hour long free-noise set is pretty fucking cool. The venues sounded fantastic and there was no problem getting drinks from the totally mystified bar staff.

The issue with queues into the main shows was unfortunate but Barry and Debs could not have done anything more to make punters happy or at least make the most out of the problem (I thought the 1pm Dinosaur Jnr set was surprisingly good) This is the first ATP event at a new venue and to think there would be no teething problems is insane. You know that it will be sorted out for April.

Highlights for me:
Iggy and the Stooges (but why did they play the same song twice?)
Mats Gustaffson and EYE
Leslie Keffer
Awesome Color
Bark Haze
IKON (Jackie-O Motherfucker)
Be Your Own Pet

Best festival of the year.

oh yeah, and the TV channels were cool.

how was ATP?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:48 am
by johnnyshape_Archive
hollis wrote:

The issue with queues into the main shows was unfortunate but Barry and Debs could not have done anything more to make punters happy...

...apart from holding it at Camber Sands, maybe...

Having read all this and now having spoken to several people who went, I'm really not keen on going again. I've heard stories of random violence, girls not feeling safe on some parts of the site, drug dealers, all sorts. Stuff I'd never imagined before. Let alone the lack of a central meeting point fucking up the wandering conviviality.

And queues. I hate hate hate queues. I am utterly queue-phobic.
Can anyone who went explain why these queues were necessary, and more importantly how they are gonna be fixed / eliminated next time round?

how was ATP?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:10 am
by hollis_Archive
there are only 4 things that can be done in my mind:
a/ go back to Camber Sands ( but in my opinion minehead is near perfect )
b/Have the more well known acts play 2 shows, like they did when a problem became apparent.
3/Decrease the tickets that are available.
4/Hold the festival outside at reading or glastonbury so you can be rained on, walk through mud, have shit sound, and so you can stay in a tent.

how was ATP?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:21 am
by johnnyshape_Archive
a) I've heard that's not an option. Shame. It's a lot nearer.

b) Top plan. Why is it necessary though?

c) Wasn't that the point of moving it? So they could sell more tickets?

d) You're missing the point. Why should you pay all that money to go to ANY festival or show to see acts, and then not be able to freely go and see them? I didn't have to queue to see anyone at Camber, or any other show I can remember for that matter. Why should I have to now?

The atmosphere and the people and the random wandering are as important a part of ATP and other festivals as the music. It's not just about rote logistics of seeing bands. Not for me, anyway.

how was ATP?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:40 am
by Rimbaud III_Archive
johnnyshape wrote:Having read all this and now having spoken to several people who went, I'm really not keen on going again. I've heard stories of random violence, girls not feeling safe on some parts of the site, drug dealers, all sorts. Stuff I'd never imagined before.

I didn't really see what you mention here, but I did witness wankers jumping VERY long queues and then getting pissy when told that it wasn't fair on those that had queued for hours.

johnnyshape wrote:And queues. I hate hate hate queues. I am utterly queue-phobic.
Can anyone who went explain why these queues were necessary, and more importantly how they are gonna be fixed / eliminated next time round?

Total fucking mismanagement. They knew that it was going to be busy for the Stooges and for Sonic Youth, so they played more than once and gave people wristbands entitling them to see one of the performances. They should have done this with the other large acts too. Knowing they could only fit a certain amount of people into the main room they could have issued a limited amount of tickets that individuals could have collected from an information point. If you were that desperate to watch a band, you’d do this. This ticket could allow you to come and go as you please then, no?

Or just sell fewer fucking tickets.

The main room had a really shakey floor, this might have been why they weren’t actually filling it.

how was ATP?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:42 am
by Rimbaud III_Archive
MrFood wrote:Just mailed a scan of the Independent's review of the whole thing to the EAforums2 account.

Quite accurate I thought.

Or you could just clit this link.

Why go to all that effort, when you could have looked it up online!