
Total votes: 13 (14%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 82 (86%)
Total votes: 95

Band: Silkworm

There isn't one single album that everyone considers to be the best. Ask any SKWM fan and they will give a different answer. Usually whichever one they are listening to when you ask. Literally all of their records are superb so it is really, really hard to pick one album.

I suppose In the West or Libertine would be a decent starting points because then you can take a step backwards or continue buying the records in chronological order. There's a fantastic evolution from album to album and the quality never lets up in the slightest.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

Band: Silkworm

I've listened to and loved Marquee Mark, but I finally picked up Lifestyles LP yesterday. Its the first album of theres I've heard and so far I like it a lot. The art is fucking awesome.
zom-zom wrote:Why do drummers insist on calling the little stools they sit on "thrones"? Kings of nothing.

Band: Silkworm

Sure, there’s a level of trust involved in listening to Cohen at his most ambitious, but just when you think he’s gone completely off the deep end, he shows you a sonic cavern that you never knew existed.

While I find this quote slightly...obnoxious, I like the concept of "level of trust".

I think the best bands all involve trust of some kind.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

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