WoundedFoot wrote:I found my cellphone on the floor of a bank. It rings. I can call people with it. Thats all I need.
Me too. I have an old Sony phone I bought cheap on eBay after I was mugged for the second phone my sister had given me. It does all I want, and I dread the day the little guy gives up.
That said,
something is up with the iPhone that isn't just hype and fashion. I am far from immune to shiny gear and I like Apple's products, so I've been following the iPhone 'story' as something I won't be buying but observing. The reviews that have been coming out have all carried a common element of 'woah! this is actually as good as they said!'
Apple have a real knack with the 'hands on' factor, I think. I dismissed the iPod for ages as just an expensive gimmick I would never use. Then I used someone elses for a few days and the fucking thing is brilliant. As soon as I could, I bought one, and I still use it every day. Same with computers; I never thought much of Apple despite despising various Windows PCs; then I used someone's Powerbook, and my mind was quickly, quickly changed.
The significant thing with the iPhone is the multi-touch interface, which reviews are saying works in an excellent manner. And this was the part that everybody was worrying about. I get the feeling that in a few years, I'm going to be putting more paws on many more screens than I do today. I think that is the change that the iPhone will be bring about.
Not crap, I reckon. The hype is the way Apple sell their products, and is the waffle factor, but the hype is also generated by the fact that Apple design these things so fucking well that all they have to do is show you a picture of something, whisper
"it doesn't have any buttons" in your ear, and make you instantly want it.