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Do you drink at band practice???

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:41 am
by KeithV_Archive
Hey thanks! I ain't seen that picture in years! I don't remember much from that night...

Do you drink at band practice???

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:44 am
by KeithV_Archive
I'd like to add that I wasn't the only one kicked outta the bar that night. I believe Richard Adventure got the boot, as well!

Do you drink at band practice???

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:53 am
by Eierdiebe
ChristopherM wrote:
White chocolate is the ONLY chocolate that I like!

Now i'm not sorry for getting you fired, racist.

Do you drink at band practice???

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:18 am
by tommydski_Archive
KeithV wrote:I'd like to add that I wasn't the only one kicked outta the bar that night. I believe Richard Adventure got the boot, as well!

I appreciate that this most likely means Richard from Danger Adventure.
I hope at least once someone has called him Dick Adventure.

Do you drink at band practice???

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:43 am
by Tommy Alpha_Archive
tommydski wrote:Sorry to divert a bit but I was talking about this yesterday elsewhere.
I have a long-standing theory that the main difference between America and Britain is the choice of social lubricant. In Britain, from a very young age it is beer, which is a depressant. In the US it is more likely young folk will congregate around coffee shops, which is obviously a stimulant. This could explain a lot I think. Plus many kids really aren't particularly bothered by the time they are legally allowed to drink in bars at 21.

My friend in Toronto remarked that she went to a bar that had a weekly 'Dollar Beer' night. That would be a drink for £0.43. I mentioned this to a friend who lives in W.Virginia and she said the bar nearest to her offered a ¢50 pitcher. That is £0.25.
North Americans, explain to me about your alcohol. At these prices I would be more of a drunk than I already am (well, was).

Total shot in the dark, as I know nothing about said 'dollar beer' nights or '¢50 pitchers', but judging from every student union/pound a pint shithole indie club that I’ve ever been to, I'd say the beer was watered down to fuck and wouldn't get you drunk anyway (especially true of American beer).

Back on topic, generally in practices we drink (and smoke) as we're all good friends and practices often end up being social occurrences. This, although I enjoy it, really hinders the development of our music and can be frustrating (as things move A LOT slower in an 8-piece anyway). It can be great as a 'social lubricant' but I don't think I've ever played a gig without my singer being HAMMERED. This really pisses me off because he doesn't need it- he's probably better sober. He just thinks he does and uses it as a crutch. Sometimes he gets so drunk he becomes an embarrassment (calling audience members 'cunts' repeatedly before shrieking and spazzing out on the floor on top of my pedals was a particularly low point). Anyway, we've tried to enforce no drinking/smoking rules which have stuck for a practice or two, but sooner or later it always creeps back in.

Do you drink at band practice???

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:27 am
by yaledelay_Archive
tommydski wrote:
KeithV wrote:I'd like to add that I wasn't the only one kicked outta the bar that night. I believe Richard Adventure got the boot, as well!

I appreciate that this most likely means Richard from Danger Adventure.
I hope at least once someone has called him Dick Adventure.

you would be wrong... Danger Aventure were a chicago band, and never played up in the sconni...

I was also expelled from bad that night, along with MR RICHARD ADVENTURE for trying to push him down one of the mini-bowling lanes...

it should be noted that in this picture you see Keef Flipping me off and me in full wind up for a huge wad of snot which I spit in his face about 10 times that night...

as I have said here, when I am very drunk my aim with a loogie is nearly perfect and my range is a good 20-25 feet...

Do you drink at band practice???

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:57 am
by mrdfnle_Archive


You look so . . .dapper!

Do you drink at band practice???

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:12 pm
by yaledelay_Archive
mrdfnle wrote:


You look so . . .dapper!

why thank you sir... I wish I knew what happened to that shirt...

Do you drink at band practice???

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 4:40 pm
by alphred_stenson_Archive
A guy who might have been a secret agent got me drunk accidentally at one band practice. Then, he smoked pensively by a fireplace before disapeering forever. But Rex Manning was still the greatest drummer he'd ever seen.

Offal, if you're out there, can you feel me on this one.

Drinking at band practice just leads to sitting around talking about music instead of actually playing music. Or, it leads to long self indulgent jam sessions. Either way, a good time, but not necessarily as productive as maybe you’re hoping for.

Do you drink at band practice???

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:05 pm
by Tree_Archive
Angus Jung wrote:

And that waiter! What was his name?