BadComrade wrote:WBEZ and Ira Glass
My friend's girlfriend once volunteered to do some stories for This American Life. She also wrote a book, which had nothing to do with the stories she did for This American Life. However, when it came time for the publisher to release her book, Ira Glass and WBEZ sued her in an attempt to get royalties from her book, claiming that she wrote the stories in her book while she was an "employee" of theirs (even though she was never an employee of theirs, only a volunteer).
If she had been a famous author who's book was going to generate a ton of money for her publisher, the publisher would have represented her (and most likely would have won, since it would have been easy to prove she never worked for WBEZ). They kept doing shit to drive up her legal costs to the point where she eventually had to start paying lawyers out of her own pocket (after she used all of the advance money from the publisher). Eventually, the tactics that Ira Glass and WBEZ used bled her dry, and she had to finally settle. Now her book will never be released, thanks to those fucking pricks.
BadComrade, I'm sorry to hear about that, but unfortunately it doesn't surprise me in the least. That show positively reeks of pretense and smugness. It purports to be a program about everyday people living in the USA and their little trials and tribulations, experiences of personal growth, etc. but every time I listen, I realize that I just cannot relate to these people at all.
There was a time several years ago, when I used to listen to
This American Life every weekend--I remember when it first aired under the name of "
My American Playhouse"--at that time, the stories were often funny and quirky and the overall show was a lot of fun. After awhile I stopped listening for whatever reason, and didn't hear it at all for several years until recently, when I downloaded a few shows as podcasts.
My God, it sure has changed. It's waaay more pretentious than I ever remember it being. At times it's almost unbearable. After listening to about 4 or 5 episodes of these boring people whining about their petty, insignificant problems I just couldn't stand it anymore.
There was a recent episode where a guy had advised a female friend to get an abortion, and without warning she suddenly moved away and he didn't see her again for several years. Then she returned and tried to dump her attention-starved kid on him, and he was whining about how guilty he felt about the whole thing. What a pussy! Through the entire segment, I kept asking myself the same question over and over again,
why the hell is this douchebag on the radio?!? Where do they find these schmucks?
There was another recent episode, where Ira Glass was gushing about how he and his wife love the Fox TV show
The OC, and what an odd experience it was for him when he heard his show
This American Life mentioned in jest by a character on that program. I could not believe what I was hearing. I wonder how much Glass got paid for that little plug. It's shameful. Even if I
could tolerate watching
The OC, the last thing I would ever do is brag about it on national radio!
And another thing I've noticed. Almost every episode, there is at least one segment where the person telling the story is identified as being
producer of
This American Life. WTF is that about? Are they running that low on material? How many producers does that show actually have? How masturbatory can the show possibly become?
I second your motion. I am never going to listen to that show again. And I'm
certainly not going to watch it on cable TV!