Woman " Tricked Into Sex" By Penis Cream Treatment

houseboat wrote:Except having a plumber sort out your toilet isn't exactly in the same sphere as allowing (under the agreement of being paid) a stranger have sex with you.

It's hard to find a fitting analogy for your prostitute query, but that's because it involves taking a human being and reducing them to a 'service'. Added to that, the 'service' is more dangerous and unpleasant than fixing your toilet (pending how much fibre you eat, I guess). You rip off a plumber, he's going to be pissed off, but it can't be counted as a bodily violation.

100% totally your opinion.

You can't make an accurate blanket statement that one service is more pleasant than another for every single person, period. Not even thinking about all the variables of both jobs (yeah, there are more than fiber intake.)
"That man is a head taller than me.

...That may change."


Woman " Tricked Into Sex" By Penis Cream Treatment

Boombats wrote:No, HE was Syrian, she was English. And a teacher. She should have known what sex was but we can't assume that she did or punish her for being terminally naive. However she WAS an adult, must not have been mentally handicapped as she was a professional, and thus COULD and DID give consent.

Actually, she could be Welsh - the case is set in the Welsh courts in Swansea. If she's from Haverfordwest (also in Wales), then I'd rather you didn't degrade the mentally handicapped population by drawing comparisons between them and her.
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