How horrible has your Friday the 13th been?

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:Went and got that guitar, it is indeed brand new. Nice case and everything.


It was like I thought he had a million expensive guitars and gear all over the place.
He had not one but 3 Les pauls sitting there, one was painted to look like snakeskin.
He said he had 2 of this one, the Jet King 1 and the Jet King 2. He likes the Jet King 1 better so I got the Jet King 2.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

How horrible has your Friday the 13th been?

I dicked around and dreaded going to work this morning, even worse then any of the days from the last few weeks... finally when it was well past 10am, I said to myself "OK, shit - better hop in the shower and make an attempt". It was raining and of course everybody decided to drive like dipshits on I-70. Then I get almost there and some crazy boom crane is holding me up from getting to the actual parking garage (construction on the Federal Reserve building). agh.

So... I finally officially get in at about 11:30 for my 9-to-5(ish) job, right? But then the whole floor is dead silent and I don't see anybody. FUCK. We're supposed to be having a dept meeting at 11:00 today. AW, fuck. So I head back to the break room where our director is in the middle of his hour-long spiel, and of course all eyes turn to me and he says "Well hey, glad you could join us. We were just talking about you." to which I immediately responded "Yeah, I *bet* you were..." (where this came from I don't know!) I think it threw everyone off for a second, but then he just resumed his spiel. I think it was one of those where I just strode in and didn't look like I had done any wrong, so everyone assumed I must have had a reason for being so late (probably helps that I am now under a new manager, who happened to be out today). Sweet.

Then I realized I had forgotten my lunch at home - crap. But then I look in the kitchenette, and saw what was left of the breakfast that our director had brought in. Ususally there's just bagels and bullshit from St Louis Bread Co (that's Panera to you) but this guy had brought in a shit load of awesome egg and bacon sandwiches on (get this) regular toasted bread (no bagel/muffin bullshit today!) I think I had three of those badboys - anyway lunch problem solved!

I did basically fuck all at work (got in a few games of pool though) except to find out that something that I thought I had maybe fixed Thursday was in fact definitely quite fixed. So there was even a sense of accomplishment today, although just a day late...

Oh yeah, and today was also pay day (early deposit for the 15th). That never hurts.

Hit the post office and picked up the latest incoming packages: Rhys Chatham 'Die Donnergötter' CD from MusicStack and B.A.L.L. 'Hardball' LP from eBay. Whee! Listened to 'Die Donnergötter' on the drive home... definitely some parts where I thought to myself "This is kinda lame, and it doesn't sound like you'd need 6 guitars to play it anyhow" and then some parts where I thought "Hey, this is pretty frickin' awesome after all!"

Got home and realized the girlfriend and I didn't have enough time to get to the dollar show to see "Baby Mama" like we had sorta planned - oh well - went to a different theater to see "The Promotion" instead which was pretty decent.

No real bad shenanigans on my Friday the 13th. It was alright.

How horrible has your Friday the 13th been?

went to my bandmate's birthday gathering tonight. it was pretty boss. maybe 20 or 25 people, including two non-US folks, one from Poland and one from France. good conversation all around. a few berrs were drinked.

the downside is that work is in a super-shitty state right now, and also my Turk is not at home but rather staying at a hotel with her family who are in town for a spell. the last time she was away from home for this long (2 days+) was some time ago, I find myself really appreciating how much I love having her here every day and really don't like being home alone for this long.

all in all, it was a reasonably decent Friday the 13th.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

How horrible has your Friday the 13th been?

went to some douche LA "event" that my lady needed to go to for work. Free drinks, horrible DJ, wermins like crazy...

two wermins approached. "You look familiar. Do we know you?"

"I don't know."

"Were you at the Xmas party?"

"Xmas party?" Xmas Party?.....Xmas Party...Xmas Party....xmas party....xmas party....xmas

Once at summer camp, the kids in my cabin all thought it would a great idea to do this thing we heard about where one person would lean up with his back against the wall and take 30 very deep breaths while another person would push on that person's chest very hard when they were done causing the person to sort of go into a blackened state, sort of passed out but not quite. Inevitably, the person would hallucinate and fall over while babbling something to himself, often repeating the same words whatever they might be.

xmasparty....xmas party....xmas party......XMAS

"Well, I was at A Xmas party."

"The one for (such and such pointless magazine)."

"Oh. No."

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