Shit was pretty cool.
The singling out of Iggy with Madonna as the Stooges disappeared into a distant background once backstage. Take a bow Watt! Ciccione Youth!
Seemed fairly tense.
Oh, and Timberlake "rockin' out."
fuck you iggy
75i guess various interviews with iggy have been overlooked and the ridiculousness of this performance was missed. whatever.
also, scott, the "up until a week ago iggy worshipping..." do i have to find that thread about the new stooges record?
also, scott, the "up until a week ago iggy worshipping..." do i have to find that thread about the new stooges record?
fuck you iggy
78See...I still think they shoulda done True Blue, it kinda sounds like The Passenger
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing
Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.
fuck you iggy
79So, they DID do "Burning Up"!!!!!1 I feel like the kid whose favorite band played his request. YOUTUBE LINK NOW.
"Ray of Light"? Now that I didn't expect!
Best RnR Hall of Fame thing since Prince's "While My Guitar"?
"Ray of Light"? Now that I didn't expect!
Best RnR Hall of Fame thing since Prince's "While My Guitar"?
"Pro Tools is too California Hollywood bullshit.”