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Top Chef Chicago

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:04 am
by Mandroid20_Archive
I found it incredibly amusing that Lisa (who severely broke the rules in the Improv episode) was the most vocal opponent of Andrew for his neglect of a whole grain in tonight's episode.

God do I hate that cunt. If someone actually did sabotage her, I salute that person.

Top Chef Chicago

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:48 am
by kenoki_Archive
Mandroid2.0 wrote:I found it incredibly amusing that Lisa (who severely broke the rules in the Improv episode) was the most vocal opponent of Andrew for his neglect of a whole grain in tonight's episode.

God do I hate that cunt. If someone actually did sabotage her, I salute that person.

seriously, what a cunt face. i am a little upset about tonight's episode. she has jetted down to the bottom of my list (she swapped that position with spike) - douchebag. poor andrew, i'ma gonna cryin'.

Top Chef Chicago

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:40 am
by hamburglarized_Archive
Mandroid2.0 wrote:(anti-Antonia vitriol)

After defending Antonia to my wife, she exclaimed "you have a fucking crush on her, don't you?!?

Hmmm. I didn't considered her bitchy before reading your post but my wife might'a been right. Huh.

Top Chef Chicago

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 5:45 am
by field_Archive
Lisa needs to go, her attitude is horrible, and she can't seem to ever get anything spiced properly. It's either raging hot, or bland. She has a lot of stupid ideas that she can't execute.
Spike sucks too, get him off, no talent.

Top Chef ultimate fighting:
Dale vs Lisa

I would love to see a fist fight in the kitchen

I pick Stephanie, smart, easy-going, talented

Top Chef Chicago

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 6:23 am
by Mandroid20_Archive
Ever since Manuel was cut, they've been elimating male-female-male-female and keeping the ratio of men:women even. In the editing of the show, they frequently mention how a woman has never won before and how women chefs are striving to succeed in a male dominated field blah blah blah.

I'm thinking that Stephanie will be the victor this season, with Richard and/or Dale as the runner-up(s). I hope that Lisa is the next to go.

Also, you know...

I've accidentally cooked brown rice at too high of a temperature before and saved it by placing the non-stuck, non-burnt rice in a different pot with more water. She could have fixed the problem by doing that rather than thinking that 2 minutes in the microwave would provide the moisture. Or, knowing that brown rice takes time to cook, she could have bought the pre-cooked refrigerated stuff (they sell it at Trader Joe's so I'm sure Whole Foods carries it).

Out of all of them, I thought that Spike should have been the one to go home tonight. At least Andrew took a chance and tried to get creative. I've seen more creativity in presentation and flavour combinations at Safeway's deli than what Spike served. The chicken salad idea wasn't bad but do something with it. He could have stuffed that into a bell pepper or tomato, made some dolmas on the side (since the salad did have the grape in it), put it into some sort of crepe-type concoction, or something more interesting than a scoop of salad next to a sad looking sliver of toast and tomato slices. Shit, even changing the type of bread he served to something more visually appealing and loaded with nuts and seeds would have helped.

Top Chef Chicago

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:52 am
by mrarrison_Archive
I think they should have spared us all the lame and sent Spike, Lisa and Andrew all home. Didn't they do this one of the previous seasons- send like two people home at once? Get rid of all of them

Aside from being just awful in the kitchen, they each have something douchebag AND asshole about them. Andrew is smug as shit about his food and his coked-out hyperactivity and defensiveness is painful to watch. That "faux-Sushi" was awful looking. I can cut sushi rolls better than those abortions that Andrew served and I have made sushi less than 10 times in my life.

I hope Stephanie wins, not because a woman hasn't won yet, but because Faux-hawk dude Richard is a gastrotaxinerdist and Dale seems to have the inability to cook something that isn't flat out asian or asian inspired (and he's a fucking drama dick). But these two will make for good competition because they can cook it appears. I also think that Antonia is quite talented, or at least "good" even if many of her meals seem to come in the upper middle. If she can make it all the way and be a final contestant with Stephanie, then it'll be a good one. I guess we need to remind ourselves it's not about the personalities, it's the food, right?

I predict either Spike or Lisa are gone on the next episode.

Top Chef Chicago

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:02 pm
by kenoki_Archive
dude. i am so disgusted with this show. the end.

Top Chef Chicago

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:15 pm
by mrarrison_Archive
fuck me rollerskating, Dale the douche gets sent home before Lisa? What the fuck?

Top Chef Chicago

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:30 pm
by kenoki_Archive
mr.arrison wrote:fuck me rollerskating, Dale the douche gets sent home before Lisa? What the fuck?

yup, it's disturbing. this show is rigged. dale absolutely deserved to be in the top 4. instead of judging "top chef" they are judging on a day-by-day (no, challenge-by-challenge) basis. the sum of their work on the show counts for absolutely nothing, which is ridiculous since that should be taken into account when looking for the, uh, TOP CHEF! total crap. they're trying to rig it so that richard will be in the top 3 with stephanie and antonia... better chance that a girl will win top chef. total crap. crap/not crap = crap.

padma, i am disgusted with you and the queer eye guy and the fat fuck. you are all three dead to me.

Top Chef Chicago

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:38 pm
by mrarrison_Archive
kenoki wrote:they're trying to rig it so that richard will be in the top 3 with stephanie and antonia... better chance that a girl will win top chef. total crap. crap/not crap = crap.

Well, I think it's pretty clear that both Stephanie and Antonia are pretty damn good, regardless of any implied advantage the producers are giving them for being female. If they make it all the way, that's great.

Lisa staying on for the next episode over Dale? Rigged, indeed.

If Lisa makes it one more episode before getting the boot, I will be extremely surprised. Spike is just coasting.