Amy Winehouse has Emphazyma due to Smoking Crack Cocaine

dontfeartheringo wrote:
caix wrote:
Nothing like hitting rock-bottom before your mid-twenties.

Hey, don't knock it.

My sentiment as well.

If you're gonna hit rock bottom, that's a great time to do it, when your body is still resilient.

I have a lot of sympathy for many drug addicts and alcoholics. It's an awful fucking life, however they get into it. And crack is almost as bad as meth in terms of destroying a person.

Amy Winehouse has Emphazyma due to Smoking Crack Cocaine

tmidgett wrote:.If you're gonna hit rock bottom, that's a great time to do it, when your body is still resilient.
Maybe not in her case. This is an old smokers disease that takes years normally.
tmidgett wrote:I have a lot of sympathy for many drug addicts and alcoholics. It's an awful fucking life, however they get into it. And crack is almost as bad as meth in terms of destroying a person.
I have sympathy as well and here is why.

Simply writing it off as a bad decision misses the point. We all have made bad decisions but what we don't have as a decision, and this is really the important point, is how our bodies, psyche and other unkowns will react to a bad decision. I, like many of us, can do cocaine or some other form of whoopee and I won't get hooked. I know to stop when it hurts. Others do it once and some physiological or bit of brain chemistry latches on and they're just fucked. They didn't see it coming and they are fucked.

We know his isn't necessarily true of all addicts - some really do feel they have nothing to live for and simply are trying to escape something truly bad or perceived bad. Either way we know this is also not a rational choice - it's just another form of suicide and do you think suicide is indicative of a healthy person? Sometimes it's a gun or something else. Those folks usually need a good shrink.

Others really enjoy simply getting fucked up but just don't have the capacity to stop. Why can't they stop? You won't know until you wait a while and they will either grow out of it, nearly die and grow out of it, or see the above.

I'm not saying that Winehouse isn't to partially to blame for her own predicament. Throwing caution to the wind is her bad decision but getting in over your head is something that can happen to any of us. Who knows before hand that they are allergic to peanuts?

I'm a bass player - it was bad when Jaco died. Do you think he chose to have the life beaten out of him? The fucker got in way over his head.

Amy Winehouse has Emphazyma due to Smoking Crack Cocaine

However harshly we want to judge her for picking up the crack pipe the first time (and it's fair to lay into someone for making so stupid a decision) I think that once a person gets hooked I can muster some sympathy. Being addicted is an illness - a physical and psychological illness - and people who are sick need help. I'm not going to well up in tears for Amy, mostly because I think she is the most vacant, talentless pile of trash on the planet, but watching someone spiral out of control and have her life taken over by drugs is not exactly a comedy show in my opinion. It's sad and pathetic.
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Amy Winehouse has Emphazyma due to Smoking Crack Cocaine

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:
caix wrote:
Yahoo News wrote:LONDON - Amy Winehouse has early stage emphysema and her lungs have been damaged by smoking crack cocaine and cigarettes, her father said in an interview published Sunday.
You all seem to be ignoring something that's very obvious.

I'm selfish. The first thing I thought when I read that article was "I need to quit smoking." I can't afford to get emphysema. If I do I will be in debt for the rest of my short life.

Even if she had full blown emphysema, Amy could probably afford the only cure which is a lung transplant. If she continued singing after that every one would call her a hero for overcoming her illness.

I haven't had a physical exam in 15 years. That concerns me more then Amy's health problems.

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