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71Thank you for this thread FM wellbutrin. My best friend is my.... stepdog? An 8ish year old female pit bull that my ex-girlfriend rescued in 2012 as we were breaking up yet still cohabitating (sometimes life is complicated indeed.)So it turns out that the two lumps stepdog has had on her underside, the ones that I BEGGED the ex to get checked out three months ago, are mast cell tumors. Waiting on results so I'm hoping for Stage 1, I think? Either way we're planning to have them removed.Anywhoo, I read some older posts re: these fucking tumors and wanted 1)to thank you again, and 2) to encourage any FM with a happy ending to a similar story to chime in. Because I am on vacation this week and I don't want to be a sobbing mess the entire time.Oh, edited to say that I can try to handle any hard truths too, if you think I need to hear it.