crap/not crap

Total votes: 13 (11%)
not crap
Total votes: 107 (89%)
Total votes: 120

Band: Nina Nastasia

Mama Clortho wrote:My mawkish story.

I listen to Nina Nastasia a lot. Since I first heard Stormy Weather on a comp, shortly before The Blackened Air was released, I have been listening to her much more than I do anything else.

I guess you could say that she is my favourite.

The years I have been listening to Nina have been...arduous - and as corny as it sounds, her music always brought me solace.

When I heard Nina would be coming here to perform with Jim White, I was shocked. I never expected that I would get a chance to see her perform. As far as I knew, she really didn't have much of a fanbase here. The strangest thing for me was, that the day before I found out about her tour, it had become evident and was confirmed, that I had entered remission.

I had very rarely been anywhere outside of my parent's house and hospital for close to four years. One of the few times I can remember going out was to see The Residents and Dead C a couple of years ago. It was diasterous, and the only live show I'd seen during this time. I decided to travel interstate, re-connect with friends, celebrate, adjust and see Nina. The whole thing was a very big deal for me. Bizarre but really fucking exciting.

Responding to music with tears was something I had never really understood. I think I even considered to be a ridiculous affectation.

Nina comes out, sings a note, and I weep. Weep weep weep weep weep. She plays a particular song, and I sob like a mad man and I am on the verge of coniption.


It was the best show of my life (despite the fact that I had not been in years, I have been to many, don't you worry)


This is not a mawkish story. This is, I imagine, one of the primary reasons people make music. There is no greater compliment than being told your music moved someone to tears.

That said, I picked up The Blackened Air a while back at our host's behest, and I absolutely love it. When that first song kicks in, it fucks me up every time. So cool to hear something rock with something other than guitars. Beautiful voice, gorgeous songs, cool instrumentation, strong performancesa, and ace recording. What the fuck else can you ask from a piece of music?

I'll be buying more of this woman's records.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

Band: Nina Nastasia

Weird. While listening to The Blackened Air at work today, I thought to myself, "I wonder if Brett Ralph has checked her out yet." Awesome.

I'm a Dogs man, myself. That recording was pretty important in getting me through the first couple of weeks after my father's death.

Close your eyes and pull one out of the bin. You'll be pleased.

Band: Nina Nastasia

Has anyone here (in the U.S.) seen the vinyl version yet? The CDs are on shelves now but I've not seen any sign of the LP, which is what I'm holding out for. At the risk of sounding like a sycophant, anything Steve records that I'm interested in I try to snag on vinyl. Dogs and The Blackened Air both sound phenomenal and I'm sure this recording will be no different.

Band: Nina Nastasia

DazeyDiver wrote:You Follow Me is a wonderful record. Jim White is a motherfucker of a drummer. And I mean that in the sweetest way possible.

I like first three records of Nina Nastasia. I saw her only once. She performed solo and was very sweet and charming. And I love her voice, yes.

Jim White is probably my favourite drummer nowadays. I was truly amazed watching him play with Dirty 3 in May.

Despite that this record doesn't have to work perfectly but I am hopeful.

I follow them.

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