Shrug because...
"Creep" was great when I was thirteen. Then it was cringey for a long time, especially after This American Life did a story about a call center manager who sang it at karaoke. Now it's good again because of Patrice O'Neal:
"Karma Police" is interesting because it doesn't sound like a Wes Anderson soundtrack choice but it does sound like what would happen if a Wes Anderson movie set came to life and tried to write a rock song
In Rainbows wasn't the first "pay what you want" record but it was high profile enough that it "shook up" the "industry". Did it level the playing field between Metallica and some Terre Haute garage band? No. It was just a moment. That and that record sucked and I know because...
My alcoholic-as-fuck ex-housemate, the one who nearly literally burnt the goddamned house down, was big into Radiohead (and played In Rainbows on a loop). So big into them that I once asked him if he wanted to go see Slayer and he literally ran out of the room. Probably to go get drunk and cry to Radiohead. He liked that. (And hairy porn.) (And not closing his laptop.)
Thom Yorke's Suspiria soundtrack is fittingly meandering garbage for a meandering garbage remake. I can't hate him for that, that's just the shit he does when there isn't a Greenewood around to check him, I suppose. Luca Guadaniño, though, decided his horror movie about feminism in Cold War Berlin or whatever the fuck that was needed a dude mournfully yodeling over a piano and, boy, he got it. So, yeah, no, fuck the both of them.
Overall, I guess they've done some cool shit but they've also done some over-hyped lame shit and the memories I have associated with them generally center around a drunk asshole passed out on the kitchen counter while the house fills with smoke.
So, shrug.
Re: Band: Radiohead