twelvepoint wrote: Sun Jul 24, 2022 6:40 am
Garth wrote: Sat Jul 23, 2022 11:09 pm
twelvepoint wrote: Sat Jul 23, 2022 4:52 am
I just say his (prolific!) SNWV Bandcamp releases page and from what I can tell he uses something called Max/MSP, which I'm totally unfamiliar with but seems to be a development environment (or design studio?) for multimedia?
Ok, yeah that tracks - sorry it looks like I misconstrued something. When I asked him about it at Thundersnow I came away w/ the impression he
coded it but I think his exact words might have been that he
programmed it - derp. NOT the same thing obviously.
I’m way out of my element here but it looks like Max supports code, as well as API functionality, and plays well with external hardware, so I think you were correct! I’d love to get a 30,000 ft look at Max, especially as it relates to external messaging and electromechanical controls. Arduino is my thing because it’s cheap and self contained but it’s neat to see what a more cohesive development environment can do.
Thank you! Just weighing in on this now.
Max/MSP is an environment and graphical programming language for working with real-time data, including audio-resolution signals. If you've ever thought, "I'd really like a program that did this, or this...and I can think of how it'd work, but no one seems to make it," then you could probably do it in Max.
There's also
Pure Data, which is a similar graphical language and environment, and it's open source. And free. (And initially developed by Miller S. Puckette, who also initially developed Max.) There's an Arduino port of Pd, too, might be rather old; I'm not sure.
In my case, for this most recent series of stuff, I wanted a multi-delay system that was easy to set and update in live performance. I wanted to be able to set delay times easily based on ratio relationships, and also wanted to be able to change them quickly. There are a lot of ways of doing that, but I wanted to have a lot of control over the user interface, as well as be able to evolve and tweak the system with other kinds of pre- and post-processors. So there are a bunch of UI enhancements around some parallel tapin/tapout objects, a convolution reverb, various kinds of sends/returns, etc. It's definitely a work in progress.
I used to use Pure Data exclusively, until there was a promotional discount on Max. Around that time, Pd-extended was deprecated, and all my Pd patches wouldn't work with mainstream Pd any longer. So...I opted to take a break and jump over to Max. But I could do pretty much the same stuff in Pd, with the exception of how I'm using Max's MiRA object. That (plus a tablet app) lets you mirror supported UI elements in your patch to a touch screen.
Anyway, in addition to being a graphical programming environment, Max also supports Node.js and (more interestingly and more powerfully) can generate C with the gen object. It's certainly worth digging into!