by enframed
Two nights ago I dreamt that I was driving a car. I could hardly see over the dashboard, like either I had a very short torso or the seat was too low or something. My vision wasn't the best and things were kinda blurry and my balance felt off. What I could see through the windshield was streams of smoke. I finally was able to sit up, kinda thrust myself up for a second and could see over the dash. Wherever I was was in the middle of some kind of battle: fighter planes firing and people running, &c. I figured this might be a dream but then I woke up. The weird thing is I got up to piss and my balance was off, and remained off the rest of the day.
Last night I dreamt I was at a bar that I service and some band was playing. I had my cigarettes, my phone, money, what I usually carry. I went to go find the bathroom to piss and when I came out the setting was different, but I seemed to not know how to get back. Now rather than a bar hallway it was more like a cave tunnel. With each successive step the world changed more and more. I was lost. It was a hotel maybe. I managed to slip through a vertical door that was closing and was outside. I dust myself off and stat walking. I ask some guy where the bar I was in is and he says it's a few blocks away and points me in the direction and I start walking. I run into two people I know in the dream. One of these people exists in real life but we have not met. He makes surf boards and campy movies featuring him surfing the boards he makes, which are designed for art, not function. One is shaped like a coffin, another a parallelogram like a door, the fins are circular saws and knives, leashes are chains with metal clamps, it's all very goth and fun, and he does actually surf this stuff. His name is Lucas. So I'm walking with these guys and I realize I don't have my cigarettes, but suddenly I am on the ground and it's wet with rum, maybe. I look for my phone and cannot find it, then I realize I'm dreaming and I can never find my phone in my dreams. I get a cigarette from Lucas. The I have what in the dream seems like a brilliant idea: I'll write the dream down in my phone so that when I wake up I can read about it! LOLZ!