zorg wrote:
Geiginni wrote: Thu Sep 07, 2023 5:41 pm
You know things are looking bad when Boeing/Raytheon/Northrup-Grumman/Lockheed-Martin and BAE Systems/Airbus appear to be a better ally to our collective interests than what he's selling.
Fuck man, I don't want to get too political here, but this is honestly the first bit of genuine admiration I can attribute to this motherfucker, that he doesn't want to weaponize his stupid technology. Go ahead,, call me a hippie, but fuck the military industrial complex and all the cocksuckers profiteering off of murdering people wholesale. Or do you mean the military industrial complex is preferable to social media in interest of the betterment of humanity?.....maybe so.
If he was fighting the weaponization of his technology by the US to destabilize democratic institutions in central america, I'd agree with you, but to bring this concern to a fight against Putin's war is misdirected at best, and just plain stupid and myopic at worst.
He seems to have no qualms about using his platform to destabilize democracies elsewhere, including at home. At least the MIC are tens of thousands of qualified people whose devotion to our collective interests are more assured than a single megalomaniac assured of his own "genius".
His thinking that his efforts are to "save humanity" is exactly the sickness of his own narcissism, especially given his reactions when other equal and greater efforts to "save humanity" get in the way of his business interests and libertarian ideals.
These "brilliant innovators" are on the right track until they realize entrenched success, get surrounded by sycophants, and quickly lose their ideals to paranoia over their own continued business hegemony. It's at that point they need to retire, sit back, and find ways to give their money away to people with better ideals and proposals. To Bill Gates' credit - he saw that clearly and acted sooner rather than later to do just that.