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Premier Rock Forum • What Has Annoyed You Recently? - Page 8
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What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:07 pm
by Linus Van Pelt_Archive
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
Linus Van Pelt wrote:I'm not sure why a photo of George Bush speaking means I'm wrong to expect people to oppose him.

You can expect that all you wish, but people don't oppose him.

Most Americans don't support him. By his own definition, this means most Americans oppose him. But let's not use his stupid definition! I believe that you are right on this point; most Americans do not oppose him.
You see, George Bush gets to use his forum to promote his criminal agenda. He can, at whim, travel to Utah and Idaho, set up his podium in front of the "troops", and then prattle on about the war on terrorism -- which, of course, is being fought by young folks who were brought into the armed forces by de facto conscription.

On the other hand, Green Day, this little band from Bay Area, works hard, gets famous, and chooses to use whatever forum that they have developed to speak out against American politics by crafting this fairly poignant, if somewhat ham-fisted, anti-war rock music video. They say, "Hey, wtf. This is crazy thing to join the armed forces. Why would you do this thing?"

Here is where we agree. Green Day >>>>>>>>>>>>> George W. Bush.
And the song, wtf, she is okay song!

Here is where we disagree.
Bottom line: Why this Green Day video gets singled out as particularly annoying or boring is lost on me, particularly in a world where "ESPN Hollywood" exists and Ben Affleck still makes "career choices".

Boring/annoying things do not become less boring/annoying simply because more boring/annoying things exist. As to why this was singled out, I'm not sure.
And just so I'm clear, the "given" is that people are expected to oppose George Bush.

Correct. It baffles me that a sizable minority still supports him. These people are (a) Not Paying Any Attention, (b) Extremely Stupid, (c) Actually Evil, or (d) More than One of the Above.
Therefore, people will receive no credit for actually expressing their opposition.

You've swayed me a little. No credit for opposing; some credit for expressing this opposition.
In addition, people may only express this opposition in a way that you, as the sole arbiter, find exciting and non-annoying.

Ho! Why "may"? Was I ever attempting to grant or deny permission for anybody to express anything? Why "may"? Huh? My statement is not that Green Day "may not" express this opposition in a way that I find exciting and non-annoying. My statement is that if Green Day chooses to express this opposition in a way I find boring and annoying, any social good coming out of it will not dissuade me from accurately describing it as boring and annoying.
Furthermore, if this expression of opposition positively influences a young "idiot", the merit of this expression will be completely discounted, as will the young "idiot".

I did not "completely discount" the merit (or the idiot). I said it was an undisputably Good Thing. My position is that this merit does not make Green Day any less boring and annoying.
Linus Van Pelt wrote:Green Day remains exactly as boring and annoying as they ever were.

We have identified the core issue:

You do not care for Green Day.


Done here?!

Dear Angriest U. Dragon,
You might have wanted to skip reading this post.
Love, LvP

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:18 pm
by Angriest_Dragon_Archive
Linus Van Pelt wrote:
Dear Angriest U. Dragon,
You might have wanted to skip reading this post.
Love, LvP

Thanks for waiting until the end, after I read the whole thing, to tell me.

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:27 pm
by Rodabod_Archive
I should have left you a warning note at the beginning of the thread.

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:36 pm
by SixFourThree_Archive
I've said this before, but I must say it again as it happened today:

Clapping for new hires at work.

Creative Director: I'd like to introduce our new writer: Joe Blo
Everyone (accept me): Clap, Clap, Clap (a few whistles) Clap, Clap...

So retarded!!

Co-Worker: Hey Jeff, how come you don't clap?
Me: Um, because I'm not a chimp, I don't know this person and I wouldn't clap for Sandberg unless he deserved it.
Co-Worker: Who is Sandberg?
Me: Forget it.

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:41 pm
by evanrowe_Archive
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:To get back on track, I am annoyed that my neighbor, who is generally a great guy, leaves his dog leashed on the front porch at night. This seems like nothing more than cougar bait.

Yes, cougar bait!

Our neighbors, they are a little similar. Mine, he has chained to the trees behind his house no less [and sometimes more] than five dogs of varying age, breed, and temperament. These dogs, they are always, always chained to these trees. They have sad little doghouses for to escape the rain in, and five-gallon buckets of mosquito breeding-ground water. Only sometimes do I see a kid giving to one of the smaller ones a walk around the block.
WTF? Is crazy! Dogs are to give your life joy! Joy no heavy-handed Green Day video or fancy microphone can provide! WTF to chain the cinque cane to the trees, signore?
These cane, they hate the chains and the stupid buckets. They bark at the trees at 3:30am, saying "Hey, guy! Take us the fuck inside with you, or at least get this fucking chain off my scruffy dog neck! I'm learning to hate your stupid two legs kind!"
And they do, they hate the people, pretty much.
Is not textbook cruelty, they have the sad houses and the water buckets, and they eat something, maybe cougars. But sad. Very sad. And annoying, this justified but too-loud barking.

Green Day, your music does not much move me, but you hate this Bush guy, and so do I, and you say it out loud, and you make video to show war is sad and hopeless, so OK.

I come down on the side of: get in the lane that is not ending as soon as you know a lane is ending. Everyone get over and play along. Do not think you are more important than anyone else unless you have flashing blue or red lights on your vehicle.

Also: flat-headed screws.

All I ever post about is dogs.

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:44 pm
by danmohr_Archive
[quote="evanrowe]Our neighbors, they are a little similar. Mine, he has chained to the trees behind his house no less [and sometimes more] than five dogs of varying age, breed, and temperament. These dogs, they are always, always chained to these trees. They have sad little doghouses for to escape the rain in, and five-gallon buckets of mosquito breeding-ground water. Only sometimes do I see a kid giving to one of the smaller ones a walk around the block.
WTF? Is crazy! Dogs are to give your life joy!
These cane, they hate the chains and the stupid buckets. They bark at the trees at 3:30am, saying "Hey, guy! Take us the fuck inside with you, or at least get this fucking chain off my scruffy dog neck! I'm learning to hate your stupid two legs kind!"
And they do, they hate the people, pretty much.
Is not textbook cruelty, they have the sad houses and the water buckets, and they eat something, maybe cougars. But sad. Very sad. And annoying, this justified but too-loud barking.
All I ever post about is dogs.[/quote]

So sad. So sad. My dog barks at the fucktards who I live across the street from all the time, but he is only in the backyard for an hour a day or so (though he gets a lot of walking/ off-leash park time). Barking at fucktards who are encroaching on my property is one of the many reasons I have a dog and I see no reason to curb this behavior. Barking for no reason and barking to hear the sound of his own voice will get you sprayed with water and scolded, though. Fucktards (and strange noises) only.


What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:55 pm
by bfields_Archive
Damn it! I bit my tongue!

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:29 pm
by Linus Van Pelt_Archive
Angriest_Dragon wrote:
Linus Van Pelt wrote:
Dear Angriest U. Dragon,
You might have wanted to skip reading this post.
Love, LvP

Thanks for waiting until the end, after I read the whole thing, to tell me.

That's just how I roll!

What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:12 pm
by mattw_Archive
What has annoyed me?


What Has Annoyed You Recently?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:13 pm
by mattw_Archive
Green Day! Hey!

Arguing about the merits of Green Day is like arguing about whether sex w/ yr sister is good. Sure, it might feel alright, but it's still sex with your sister. (apologies to any incestuous GD fans on this board)