Is this show any good??

Total votes: 3 (10%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 26 (90%)
Total votes: 29

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

This show, while no The Wire, is pretty good. That said, they need to finish the series in season 4. It seems every episode that pushes the narrative manages to trip over its own feet a few times. So Tigh was a Cylon all along, even during the original Cylon wars? They will have to come up with some crappy "Skin Jobs have always existed" argument, and also, what is the point of creating an alcoholic robot? How were 4 of the final 5 on Galactica? I'd have to say Starbuck is likely to be the 5th of the 5, based on whats happened, but its more likely the show will likely surprise us for the hell of it later on. And yeah, anyone who watches a show called "Battlestar Galactica" is a nerd. Anyone who watches a show called "Battlestar Galactica" co-starring Xena the warrior princess is like a nerd squared. And someone who says 'nerd squared'? Well, you get the idea.

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

Maya, one of the final five? Give me a break, please Ronald Moore, please tell me there is a reasonable explanation for this. I guess I could understand Anders, maybe Tyrol, even Tigh - but Maya? That's my breaking point. Not because I give a shit about her character, I don't give a shit about her character and she's been almost entirely worthless in the entire series (hell, I can't even remember what other episodes she's been in aside from these last two!), that is why. That being said, the season finale wasn't as bad as most of the last half of season 3, but not nearly as cool as the beginning.

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

I have a feeling in the next season the un-final four will start to subtly subvert the humans purpose, and having people in the executive office(Maya), and the operational (Tyrl), leadership (Tigh), and tactical (Anders) will give the writers numerous ways to manipulate the plot. So, while Maya has been a pretty blah character so far (like her predecessor Billy, who really came off as a Cylon in season one) I'd say she is in the Final 5 for the sake of being able to influence the annoying President. (Probably the only thing more excruciating than the "I laugh like Butthead while making out" Starbuck / "I'm a whiny bitch" Apollo 'love story' has been the "old people sex in the making" President/Adama sexual tension.) So the last we see of Starbuck is that her Viper blew up, and then she returns in a brand new Viper, along with a Cylon attack. So unless this is a "she still lives within Apollo's heart" thing, how can she not be a Cylon? While I don't doubt the writers can shadowbox themselves out of this one, what other logical explanation could there be? And on an unrelated note, really, what is stopping the humans from infecting Caprica 6 with that deadly virus, and shooting her in the head when they are close to a Ressurection ship, as per the orginal, Helio-foiled plan? How come the Final 5 were never exposed to this common pathogen?

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

djanes1 wrote: And on an unrelated note, really, what is stopping the humans from infecting Caprica 6 with that deadly virus, and shooting her in the head when they are close to a Ressurection ship, as per the orginal, Helio-foiled plan? How come the Final 5 were never exposed to this common pathogen?

Yeah, I'd have to go back and see which humans/final four of five were around when that virus thing came about. Anders was still on Caprica, I think. I don't think Maya would have been anywhere near the virus. Tigh and Tyrol are weirder bets, but I'd have to check again.

I don't think it was a new viper Starbuck was in. I don't think she's a Cylon - her childhood/broken bones/status of her "destiny" and all that.

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

bumble wrote:I don't think it was a new viper Starbuck was in. I don't think she's a Cylon - her childhood/broken bones/status of her "destiny" and all that.

I was thinking that perhaps Starbucks is becoming this all-knowing dreamvision to Apollo in much the same way that Gaius has his Six vision and Six has her Gaius vision.

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