Baseball Team: Chicago Cubs
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:31 am
Cubs suck. Is there anything else that needs to be said?
DrAwkward wrote:Chuck, you have room in the car and another ticket for that Cubs game?
GhostFace wrote:be sure to make a lot of noise when the brewers kick their ass. I was at the last cubs brewers game in Milwaukee and it was probably 70/30 cubs fans. It was so obnoxious. They thought they were so cute, parading around that gay ass fucking mascot teddy bear. I can't wait for the day when I stop hearing about Wrigley Field North.
Lemuel Gulliver wrote:Dot races, sausage races, fluffy mascots, local nitwits throwing out the first pitch, the chicken dance, all the bustin' out bootie music before someone comes up to hit, pitchers with theme songs...