Pitch me a movie

Tree wrote:
steve wrote:
davesec wrote:these three old men want to buy a boat but don't have the money, so they split on it. then throughout the movie they all soon discover that sharing the boat won't be too easy. at the end of the movie we find out one of the old men is actually a ghost.

Change the boat to a bowling alley and I'll fund it myself. And have a couple of hot waitresses in the bar.

Okay, okay, sounds like a go. But this baby is gonna need a clever title. Davey, Steve-o, stay with me now. Since we're dealing with a bowling alley here [puts up hands in "goalpost" gesture with all fingers up, pans hands apart]...70-10 Split. You see, the three men are probably around 70 and, well, you get the picture. We've got something, here. Fellas, let's make this happen.
No way.
It should be titled Man Bites Fart.
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

Pitch me a movie

mattw wrote:Ok, you know how Hollywood is all crazy about mentally challenged/handicapped/disabled roles, right? Sean Penn in I Am Sam (a travesty), Rain Man, Forrest Gump, the list goes on and on. Usually, they hand out Oscars automatically for that sort of thing because it is supposedly "difficult" to act retarded.

Well, here's something we haven't seen before: Samuel L. Jackson as a mentally challenged southern Baptist preacher. There's a back story (used to be normal, something affected his brain, but still preaches) and a conflict (has an affair with one of the boys in the congregation named Spuds).

A shitstorm ensues (you could have a field day with casting--just throw in all of the black actors that are routinely cast in films: Denzel, Cuba, Jamie Foxx, Morgan, maybe even Cedric the Entertainer or Bernie Mac for occasional comic relief). His wife could be played by Angela Bassett and his daughter could be played by Beyonce (Jay-Z could do the soundtrack, you see where I'm goin' with this). Script would be pretty standard format (setup, conflict, denouement, resolution, warm happy ending).

There are endless opportunities for classic SLJ moments in a movie like this. Spittin' and spewin' fire-and-brimstone type stuff, "THE LAWD GIVETH AND HE TAKETH AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It's also a chance for one of the best actors of his generation to finally get some Academy Award recognition.

So basically, the pastor has one last shot at redemption. I know what you're saying: SLJ wouldn't do this movie. Yeah, right. He did Snakes On A Plane. He'll do this.

Take out the kiddie fucking elements and we may have something here, retards are hot right now you are correct in that. pedophiles are not.
Just a word of warning if you are serious about moving on this, having one big name colored actor in your film is hard enough to deal with let alone an entire cast of them. They never show up on time, they are high, they have a million people around them at all times, drug dealers and gangbangers coming around, etc....they'll always wanna argue about their lines and their dressing rooms and their limos and everything else....at least a few of your cast will be arrested for something or other before it's all said and done, probably murder.
If I were you I'd change it to talking sheep or something, you can still have one be a retarded preacher but he'll just preach to the other sheep and instead of a church it's a farm or wherever sheep live. A field I guess.

steve wrote:
davesec wrote:these three old men want to buy a boat but don't have the money, so they split on it. then throughout the movie they all soon discover that sharing the boat won't be too easy. at the end of the movie we find out one of the old men is actually a ghost.

Change the boat to a bowling alley and I'll fund it myself. And have a couple of hot waitresses in the bar.

I'd have them inherit a dildo shop from their lesbian daughters.
2 crusty mean old fucks selling butt plugs to leather boys, it writes itself.
You know, they learn to accept the gays or whatever.

alandeus wrote:"Marty, the Milliner" - a story of a young man who goes to work for an independent hatmaker.

Hilarity ensues when the boss asks Marty to make not a hat, but a CAP. Marty refuses this assignment, stating plainly that "I should like not to."

Prospective leads: Hilary Swank as "Marty" and Werner Klemperer as "The Boss."

I don't know who let you in here, but you are wasting everyone's time.

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:These three loser guys (I'm thinking David Cross, Brian Posehn and Patton Oswalt) are walking by an alley, they hear this sound coming from a dumpster. They look inside and they see a baby. They stand around for 5 minutes or so freaking out and acting like spazzes before they decide to take the baby to their home. They aren't smart enough to call the cops and report it so they start taking care of the baby themselves. As I'm sure you can imagine, much hilarity ensues. Should be a good diaper changing scene or two in there. I'm thinking baby diarrhea eruption.

I'm not sure whether or not I should bring the mother in as a source of conflict because that seems kind of too expected.

I'm also not sure if the baby should talk or not.
On the plus side, everyone loves movies with talking babies.
On the negative side, talking babies is due to be played out any day now.
I guess timing is the real factor here.

I call it, "Three Men and A Dumpster Baby".

How about they find a gun and come to my office and shoot me in the face, and my last words are 'thank you, I couldn't sit and listen to that fucking asshole prattle on about his stupid three men fucking a baby movie any longer' NEXT!

Ty Webb wrote:CGI Jack Black's head on a toddler's body. Kevin Bacon spends the entire movie trying to seduce and molest the preternaturally precocious, wisecracking, hyper-mugging youngster, who's always one step ahead of the wicked yet lovable pedophile. They're in constant contact because naturally Bacon is the janitor at an orphanage.

You need a subplot to add warmth and to ease the horror of pedophilia, so Kevin Bacon's clueless ex-wife, played by Renee Zellweger, is barren. Upon meeting the proto-Black, she instantly falls in love with the tyke and launches an all-out effort to adopt him. Hilarity ensues and all three are united by the end of the movie, with the integrity of Black's asshole a big, enticing question mark, inviting a blockbuster sequel.

You are the second person to pitch me a kiddie fucking flick today.
I thought I was pretty up on what's hot, but I guess I missed the boat on this whole pedophile craze. Tell you what, you go home and you write me a script with more kiddie fucking scenes than your average boy scouts camping trip and we just may be in business.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Pitch me a movie

Marsupialized wrote:
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:These three loser guys (I'm thinking David Cross, Brian Posehn and Patton Oswalt) are walking by an alley, they hear this sound coming from a dumpster. They look inside and they see a baby. They stand around for 5 minutes or so freaking out and acting like spazzes before they decide to take the baby to their home. They aren't smart enough to call the cops and report it so they start taking care of the baby themselves. As I'm sure you can imagine, much hilarity ensues. Should be a good diaper changing scene or two in there. I'm thinking baby diarrhea eruption.

I'm not sure whether or not I should bring the mother in as a source of conflict because that seems kind of too expected.

I'm also not sure if the baby should talk or not.
On the plus side, everyone loves movies with talking babies.
On the negative side, talking babies is due to be played out any day now.
I guess timing is the real factor here.

I call it, "Three Men and A Dumpster Baby".

How about they find a gun and come to my office and shoot me in the face, and my last words are 'thank you, I couldn't sit and listen to that fucking asshole prattle on about his stupid three men fucking a baby movie any longer' NEXT!
You, of all people, should at least love that title.
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

Pitch me a movie

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:These three loser guys (I'm thinking David Cross, Brian Posehn and Patton Oswalt) are walking by an alley, they hear this sound coming from a dumpster. They look inside and they see a baby. They stand around for 5 minutes or so freaking out and acting like spazzes before they decide to take the baby to their home. They aren't smart enough to call the cops and report it so they start taking care of the baby themselves. As I'm sure you can imagine, much hilarity ensues. Should be a good diaper changing scene or two in there. I'm thinking baby diarrhea eruption.

I'm not sure whether or not I should bring the mother in as a source of conflict because that seems kind of too expected.

I'm also not sure if the baby should talk or not.
On the plus side, everyone loves movies with talking babies.
On the negative side, talking babies is due to be played out any day now.
I guess timing is the real factor here.

I call it, "Three Men and A Dumpster Baby".

How about they find a gun and come to my office and shoot me in the face, and my last words are 'thank you, I couldn't sit and listen to that fucking asshole prattle on about his stupid three men fucking a baby movie any longer' NEXT!
You, of all people, should at least love that title.

The title is ok, sure. It'd be better if the baby died and they are freaking because they don't wanna get arrested so they decide to EAT the baby to get rid of the evidence.
Either that or do your whole movie with the silly hijinx and everyone feels good, but at the very end one of them loses his grip on the baby and it falls into a wood chipper.
It would get a shitload of press, I know that much.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Pitch me a movie

nihil wrote:
Ty Webb wrote:Kevin Bacon spends the entire movie trying to seduce and molest the preternaturally precocious, wisecracking, hyper-mugging youngster, who's always one step ahead of the wicked yet lovable pedophile.

Didn't he already do this in The Woodsman?

No flies on you.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

Pitch me a movie

Ok, bear with me a moment.

We had those 70s remakes, yup? Charlie's Angels, Starsky and Hutch, Farley and Hardjob...um...Rockford Files, Bluesuite's Caravan of Detectives, that other one with the guy...and the guy does that thing and there's all those tickets...er...and the train?

Anyway, you get the idea.

So I'm thinking 'know what's gonna be real big next?' and I'm thinking and thinking and then it comes to me: animal buddy movies.

You know like BJ and the Bear, and that one with Clint Eastwood and the monkey, and Cannonball Run...ok, that was a retard, not an animal, but you get the idea...

Those movies were real big back in the 70s and 80s, and now with computers and morphing, they're gonna be real big again.

Here's the deal:

There's this ex-marine guy (Lenny) who's seen a lot of bad shit (flashbacks to 'Nam) and he's just sitting in his cabin, in a swamp...or mountain, whatever, and he's drinking and being ONE SAD, LONELY SACK OF SHIT!

Then the mail-guy calls one day and there's this letter from a distant relatives lawyer telling him that he's inherited some stuff, and he should come and pick it up. Our guy drives his rusty pickup out to the dead-guy's place and finds...you ready for this?..his relative has left him a koala and a yak.

At first Lenny's all 'I don't need no koala and a yak', but over the next ten minutes, through a few heart-warming scenes involving wrestling and sports we see Lenny coming to love his new koala and yak friends.

He names them Kenny and...Yakky? Whatever...it doesn't matter.

Anyway, Lenny returns (with Kenny and Yakky) home to find another letter...no, not a letter...he finds the head of the secret security someshit...like the CIA or something. The security guy tells him that theres a plot to poison the water...or the trees...maybe trees because of Kenny being koala?

Anyway, there's this plot and Lenny is the only one who can stop the plotters...Russian gangsters, or Arabs or something. Lenny takes some convincing, but says 'ok, but I need my koala and yak buddies'.

The CIA guy needs some convincing but says 'ok, but don't mess up'.

The rest of the movie is all running and fighting, and the Arab/Russian/whatever bad-guys all have animal buddies too...maybe camels or Russian...bears? Whatever they have...

There are plenty of laughs and thrills along the way...it's a roller-coaster ride.

There's probably a scene where Lenny is walking with Kenny and Yakky down the street, and a drunk guy double-takes and throws his bottle away.

The closing scene is Lenny and Kenny and Yakky walking up the Whitehouse drive, soldiers lining the drive and throwing their hats in the air and cheering. Yakky would catch a hat on one of his enormous horns, Lenny, Kenny and Yakky would catch each other's eyes. The audience would be swept-up in the moment of man-animal pride and brotherhood.

There should be a few scenes where Lenny get's it on with a lady; it's important that the audience doesn't suspect a yak/man/koala sex-love-thing.

Pitch me a movie

Inferna. She has nothing left to lose... and a flamethrower.

a girl's parents are killed in a mysterious fire and somehow this causes her vision to become forever thermographic. kids always wonder why she stares at radiators, steam vents and whatnot. she grows into a voluptuous pyromaniac laying waste to city blocks with special flamethrowers she builds in her volcano lair. these scenes alternate between thermographic views of the flames and standard shots of flickering light and shadow on her teen-idol form as she pouts about, burning stuff up. the one day she's finally caught by the authorities, but they have to let her free when earth is attacked by incredibly powerful yet flammable aliens who only seem to be susceptible to her unique weaponry only she knows how to use. after she takes out all the CGI aliens and the token latex puppet one, she goes onto their ship and takes it to their leader -- the same mysterious fire which killed her parents. dramatic ambient music with hints of cheesy techno plays as she unzips her flame-retardant one-piece and walks into the flames, gasping sensually (through a flanger) as she and the fire become one and dissipate into a wisp of eldritch CGI. a constellation of ashes drifts to earth and floats, ever-spinning, over the spot where her parents were killed. credits roll, with an IDM track featuring the bulgarian women's choir. the soundtrack, which is never actually used in the movie, features evanescence, otep and arch enemy.

(edit: added flame-retardant)
Last edited by trilonaut_Archive on Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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