Do you drink at band practice???

As a rule I generally don't drink at rehearsals but have been known too. Usually during the time we had a keyboard player who wouldn't pay towards anything if he could help it but always managed to have a bag of beerios with him. If I was paying for his share of rehearsal I could at least get the odd beer token back.

He's long gone now, I don't think I've beered it up at rehearsals since. The results are usually highly amusing but not very productive.

I never drink before a show/during recording and hold off till the last night when on tour before pouring myself a sherry. I don't think one should drink before show time. Those audience members paid £3.50 to see you and should get their moneys worth god damn it.

I think I have drunk twice before playing and once was before playing the 2nd timp part in Mahler 1. I fucked up and it's haunted me ever since. For shame.
Angels Are Ace!

Do you drink at band practice???

I once got really drunk at a gig in London. I totally fucked up and it was an important gig. I never did it again.

I sometimes drink here when I'm recording or mixing. It puts a different slant on things but the output is usually bad. I played a solo the other night after getting back from The Big Day Out festival. I was legless and forgot about it until the morning. When I listened back to it, it was the best, most relaxed weird zappa type solo I have ever played. Totally didn't go with the song but i'm saving it for something that will be in the same key.
I realised long ago that smoking weed is bad too. It just makes you think that you are coming up with good shit at the time. When you listen back to it, it is just half assed stoned bollocks.

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