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What products-companies-stores do you " boycott" ?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:28 pm
by chopjob_Archive
This American Life Completes Documentation Of Liberal, Upper-Middle-Class Existence.

I hope there's some fan fic out there starring Don Gagne and Syliva Poggioli.

What products-companies-stores do you " boycott" ?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:29 pm
by oucheh_Archive
Ty Webb wrote:Out of curiosity, is the objection to American Apparel over their marketing and/or the creepiness of Charney?

I ask because the opinions of socially conscious people toward AA tend to vary quite a lot. Charney's a sleazy character in a lot of ways, but he does plenty of things right too.

I have no real objection to their advertising. Their ads are no different than any other skin ad out there. It has more to do with their business practice, which I have been on the receiving end of.

I just want to add:

Benny Blanco's Slice of the Bronx, Denver, Colorado: Shitty ass pizza joint, manned by smug shitty ass people. Don't ever order delivery from these fuckheads...........if you're in Denver.


What products-companies-stores do you " boycott" ?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:32 pm
by Ty Webb_Archive
Considering how vile the vast majority of large retail chains are (sweatshop suppliers, non-living wages, etc), I think AA is the lesser of many, many evils.

Yes, he's a creep and no one should have to put up with his creepiness in the workplace. But at the very least, he doesn't use sweatshops, pays a good wage, and doesn't hire plastic fuckdolls for his ads.

For me, I'd say it's a good alternative (for what it supplies) until a better one is found. Is there a better one already out there I don't know about?

What products-companies-stores do you " boycott" ?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:33 pm
by kenoki_Archive
itchy mcgoo wrote:
kenoki wrote:why is american apparel bad? other than for their stupid ads?

They make terry cloth rompers. For grown-ups.

Fight the power, kenoki.

ew... oh wait, i see another reply...

kenoki wrote:
but i wouldn't say this is a full on boycott, i am still curious about their t-shirts.

If you're interested in showing some of that curiousity to the camera, Uncle Dov might give you a free t-shirt, yo.

ewww!!!! that would only be cool if i could start growing hairy, i mean really hairy, nipples... "dov baby, it's art!" i guess i'm on boycott... dammit itchymcgoo, why did you even have to bring up this thing in the first place.

What products-companies-stores do you " boycott" ?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:35 pm
by chopjob_Archive
Oughtn't it be "personcott"?

What products-companies-stores do you " boycott" ?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:35 pm
by kenoki_Archive
Ty Webb wrote:Yes, he's a creep and no one should have to put up with his creepiness in the workplace. But at the very least, he doesn't use sweatshops, pays a good wage, and doesn't hire plastic fuckdolls for his ads.
well, that's assuming dirty alternative chicks aren't the new wave of plastic fuckdolls, which they are.

What products-companies-stores do you " boycott" ?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:41 pm
by Martin Billingsworth_Archive
Kenoki, you've finally said something I agree with.

What products-companies-stores do you " boycott" ?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:45 pm
by Colonel Panic_Archive
I remember when I was in art school there was this hippie who used to always say that B.O. doesn't really exist, that it's just a result of social conditioning by the cosmetics industry to market scented soaps and deodorants.

One time he was in the cafeteria going off on this rant and a girl walked up behind him, put her hand on his shoulder and said, "Honey, believe me. B.O., it's real!"

We all laughed, but the poor guy didn't get that it was a joke at his expense. He just continued with his tirade.

What products-companies-stores do you " boycott" ?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:46 pm
by oucheh_Archive
Ty Webb wrote:Yes, he's a creep and no one should have to put up with his creepiness in the workplace. But at the very least, he doesn't use sweatshops, pays a good wage, and doesn't hire plastic fuckdolls for his ads.

Working for a business that has to deal with AA is both tedious & mind boggling. Never met dude, maybe he is a nice, but business to business wise? No thanks.


What products-companies-stores do you " boycott" ?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:52 pm
by Your Capn Speakin_Archive
Bob Weston wrote:Empty Bottle and any Empty Bottle promoted show

OK, as an out of towner, I wouldn't know, but what's the beef with the Bottle?
I last attended a show there over ten years ago.