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This whole Madeleine McCann thing...
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:31 am
by Champion Rabbit
space junk wrote:I hope all of the bastards who put posters up and campaigned and "showed support" feel hideously ashamed and embarrassed after this whole thing. It has been as cringeworthy as the Diana stuff. "Great" Britain my ass.
A little girl is (presumably) dead.
This whole Madeleine McCann thing...
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:32 am
by NerblyBear_Archive
Can this really be true? Can these seemingly-innocent parents have both (1) murdered or arranged for the murder of their own daughter and (2) carefully and composedly covered up for it day in and day out?
This seems highly unlikely to my own Cluedo pineal gland.
This whole Madeleine McCann thing...
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:43 am
by tommydski_Archive
Nah. They've accidentally killed her and then tried to make it look like a disappearance. It's sort of understandable. If they had gone to the police immediately, one of them would almost certainly go to jail. Furthermore, they would lose custody of their other children and certainly lose the ability to work in the medical profession. You can confess and suffer all that anyway, why not try and get away with it? I can see the thought process.
Still, this is all very sad indeed.
This whole Madeleine McCann thing...
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:46 am
by space junk_Archive
Champion Rabbit wrote:space junk wrote:I hope all of the bastards who put posters up and campaigned and "showed support" feel hideously ashamed and embarrassed after this whole thing. It has been as cringeworthy as the Diana stuff. "Great" Britain my ass.
A little girl is (presumably) dead.
Yes, which is sad.
Lots of other kids are dead and missing, too. This particular case galvanised the worst elements of populist, moronic, herd grief peddling to the point where it was like a cross between Oasis' popularity in the mid-90's and that Diana shit. It has become divorced from its own reason. It has become staffroom fodder; an excuse for people to publicly display emotion, concern and sincerity, and generally behave in an unbecoming fashion. It has been a silly and embarrassing episode in modern British life.
This whole Madeleine McCann thing...
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:49 am
by Rimbaud III_Archive
The minute traces of blood found on the apartment floor are presumably what was left over after someone tried to clean away any evidence. If the parents were checking on their kids every 30 or so minutes, surely this would have left any intruder a stupidly short amount of time to do the deed and then clean up after themselves? And more importantly, why would an intruder clean up after themselves at all? Am I missing something in this story?
This whole Madeleine McCann thing...
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:49 am
by space junk_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:space junk wrote:This went a little further than a normal postering-for-missing-child effort. Of course, you already know that, having read the news, and you are simply being an antagonistic cunt.
You are blaming those who postered for what? Not being Sherlock Holmes and solving the case themselves, and thus extinguishing their sympathy for the parents?? You are using information that was not available in May to prosecute the people who sympathized with the parents in May. Not fair. And obviously, very dumb.
You're an antagonistic cunt and you don't shop here.
This whole Madeleine McCann thing...
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:53 am
by Champion Rabbit
space junk wrote:It has been a silly and embarrassing episode in modern British life.
Those of us who tend not to find ourselves dragged feet-first into the mouth of the
hysterical media-machine would perhaps do better to refrain from using words like
'silly and embarrassing' within the context of child-murder, do you not think?
This whole Madeleine McCann thing...
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:56 am
by busbus_Archive
I'd still do the mom, she's a fantastical milf like specimen.
This whole Madeleine McCann thing...
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:13 pm
by space junk_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:space junk wrote:It has become staffroom fodder; an excuse for people to publicly display emotion, concern and sincerity, and generally behave in an unbecoming fashion. It has been a silly and embarrassing episode in modern British life.
I looked for the early posts you made to this thread ( before the new information on the parents ) condemning the British public for their sympathy and urging them to cease their support for the McCanns.
They don't exist.
There were people criticizing the public's obsession with the case back in June ( Earwicker, Mr. Food ), but you were not among them. You're doing what is known in the US as 'Monday morning quarterbacking': criticizing the game plan after the game has been played.
Anybody can do that, which is why you can do it.
I'm not suddenly empowered by the new revelations. I'm embarrassed about the general public's moronic reaction to the case, and have been, regardless of the outcome. Also, you're a cunt.
Champion Rabbit wrote:Those of us who tend not to find ourselves dragged feet-first into the mouth of the hysterical media-machine would perhaps do better to refrain from using words like 'silly and embarrassing' within the context of child-murder, do you not think?
No, silly and embarrassing about covers it, for many reasons.
This whole Madeleine McCann thing...
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:32 pm
by happyandbored_Archive
"Silly and embarassing" is totally the right turn of phrase -
If mass media insists on force feeding tragedy as entertainment - sensationalist spin, flashy graphics, ominous synth drones under news reports - drip feeding half-information like some long drawn out soap opera, then it is hardly surprising that cynicism and piss-taking is all that follows.
If all missing people got equal coverage and if the sensationalist aspects of reporting were toned down, then perhaps I wouldn't tune it out so quickly. But truth is I don't give a flying fuck about the fate of Maddy any more than princess Diana, or whatever other Arayan cover girl is selling copies of the Daily Mail on any given day.
It's nothing but emotional porn: start on page one for a good old cry over the headlines, turn to page three for a wank over some tits and arse.