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Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:21 pm
by H-GM_Archive
zom-zom wrote:I saw the Welcome to my Nightmare tour, the band was very cool, same band Lou Reed used for Rock 'n Roll Animal:
Steve Wagner, Dick Hunter, Prakash John and Whitey Glan.

So jealous.

And there I was back in the 80's stuck with these a-holes:


Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:12 pm
by rocker654_Archive
carpe_diaz wrote:Should come as no surprise though that intelligent people can make shitty, unoriginal music, but I really appreciated his thoughts there. Seemed like a pretty real person in spite of his showbiz.

Yeah, he comes across in interviews as an almost likeable guy. The high school nerd who made it.

His music universally sucks, though. Doesn't make him stupid.

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:17 pm
by rocker654_Archive
ChristopherM wrote:
zom-zom wrote:I saw the Welcome to my Nightmare tour, the band was very cool, same band Lou Reed used for Rock 'n Roll Animal:
Steve Wagner, Dick Hunter, Prakash John and Whitey Glan.

Holy shit, I didn't know that. No wonder that album is one of my favorites!

Yea, Hunter/Wagner were a great team. They helped make a Lou Reed album that I actually liked, and Alice used them to great effect as well.

Harmony leads don't get much better.

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:31 pm
by mackro_Archive
This thread heaped about 10 times more praise on Alice Cooper than the sole Alice Cooper thread on C/NC

I'm wondering if we should just pit every artist against Marilyn Manson in this forum from here on out.. this way, we can REALLY bring out the praise for artists that deserve it here.

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:33 pm
by KeithV_Archive
Yeah, I was always meaning to post on the C/NC thread about Alice Cooper, but I guess this one just pulled me in and I drunkenly ranted in multiple posts!

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:34 pm
by DrAwkward_Archive
mackro wrote:I'm wondering if we should just pit every artist against Marilyn Manson in this forum from here on out.. this way, we can REALLY bring out the praise for artists that deserve it here.

Look for my Queensryche/Marilyn Manson thunderdome soon.

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:51 pm
by Ty Webb_Archive
mackro, I don't think you can fight the vicissitudes of C/NC. If we used MM as a lightning rod, eventually someone would feel compelled to attempt to defend him and then we'd have chaos on our hands. CHAOS!

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:26 pm
by Mark Hansen_Archive
Ty Webb wrote:mackro, I don't think you can fight the vicissitudes of C/NC. If we used MM as a lightning rod, eventually someone would feel compelled to attempt to defend him and then we'd have chaos on our hands. CHAOS!

Yeah, Boombats seems to like MM. :? :shock: :P

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:36 pm
by Boombats_Archive
H-GM, zom-zom, everybody:

Johnny Ramone was a dick.

Blink 182 sucks, they could be feeding Darfur and I wouldn't give a fuck.

Manson sucks. I'm not disputing that. I think A.Cooper is snoozable, whereas there were a few MM songs that, if taken out of the MTV context were interesting to me at the time. Sure they're no Evil Mothers or Foetus, but who is?

Zom-zom if you stop acting like a fuddy duddy then people will stop calling you one.

I'm 31. Neither band is appropriate to my generation. I personally own NOTHING by either of these "artists."

Arguing over opinions is stupid, we are all going to have different tastes. It's one thing to praise what we like, but to try and convince someone that their preference is wrong is like telling a dog not to lick its balls.

As far as theatrics and music goes, I'm not into it. I'm definitely not impressed by people who try to be "spooky," it's so fucking Scooby-doo-ish.

Don't fuck with GWAR. America Must Be Destroyed had the riffs that everyone ripped, that shit was solid. Listen to "Crack In The Egg", "Gor-Gor", etc. "Have You Seen Me" is an instant classic and a great sing-a-long. And Scumdogs Of The Universe was killer as well, fuckin' "Maggots," "Slaughterama," "Sexocutioner," all classic.

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:43 pm
by rocker654_Archive
DrAwkward wrote:
mackro wrote:I'm wondering if we should just pit every artist against Marilyn Manson in this forum from here on out.. this way, we can REALLY bring out the praise for artists that deserve it here.

Look for my Queensryche/Marilyn Manson thunderdome soon.

I'm not waiting. Queensryche.