What s in your Hi-Fi?

My set-up was built for free...it's a product of raiding family basements. I don't have much information on anything.

2 Advent speakers with incredible tweeters.

A stock Stanton turntable given to me by a cousin who wanted to try being a DJ for about eighteen seconds.

Denon HX Pro Stereo Cassette Player

A pre/power amp I came across in the attic of my old house, left over from my parents' stereo system. The brand name is gone. All I know is that it was "a real bargain" and it is incredibly powerful. It shakes my lamps and shelves at 7 o'clock.

What s in your Hi-Fi?

Redline wrote:kerble asked:
any recommendations on a good cartridge for a cheap (I mean really cheap) home system?

Grado black...$39.00...You really don't want to go any cheaper. Hey, ya only got $15 into the thang...There must be a turntable guy in Chi that could set it up for ya.

Yeah, I'm going to get it set up real good. probably go to either 'decibel' or 'saturdays'. I've been happy with both. I'll price 'em out. they should be able to screw into any old head casing, right? with the two silver screws?
kerble is right.

What s in your Hi-Fi?

I recently got a Rega P1 turntable. Switched the cartridge to a Rega Bias 2 pretty darn quick and got a glass platter, so it's basically a P2. Very happy with it. My amp is a stoopid Pioneer and the next thing to be replaced on my 'get a decent sounding stereo' quest - any suggestions in the 0-500$ price range? I don't know who made my speakers, I think they're homebrewed, but I like 'em.

What s in your Hi-Fi?

In the past year I spent a lot of money upgrading speakers & cd player. It was worth it though, even if I'm still paying everything off.
Here's my current setup:

MARANTZ 2245 receiver
TEAC RW-D200 CD recorder
ONKYO TA-RW344 cassette deck
JOLIDA JD 100 Vacuum tube CD player
DUAL 1219 turntable
CANARE interconnects
"Name calling is the last refuge of the out argued."


What s in your Hi-Fi?


^^I sold the Rega and currently dabble with this, a Funk Firm Vector made by the dude who used to run Pink Triangle. A very odd beast with a lightweight acrylic platter, DC motor and series of pulleys that supposedly stabilize the transmission and make for a smoother rotation. I think it sounds superb, very happy with my choice and definitely a step up although had I paid full price for it and not had the opportunity to source one at trade from a surly Pole who builds them, I would have probably found some features wanting - the wobbly sorbothane feet for example. That said, it's a wonderful table.

A minor revelation - I'd recommend the Denon DL-160 cart in a heartbeat. Everyone goes apeshit for the DL-103 but this has a much better stylus and although gives a coloured presentation I think it suits rock music much better. It's a moving coil design but the output is so damned high it will work fine with MM phono stages. A totally overlooked bargain (around £90), it will knock yer Grados etc. into a cocked hat.

Oh! there's also a new Onkyo CD player (DX-7555), sounds swell. I'm such a sucker for anything billed as giant killing.

What s in your Hi-Fi?

M_a_x wrote:I recently got a Rega P1 turntable. Switched the cartridge to a Rega Bias 2 pretty darn quick and got a glass platter, so it's basically a P2. Very happy with it. My amp is a stoopid Pioneer and the next thing to be replaced on my 'get a decent sounding stereo' quest - any suggestions in the 0-500$ price range? I don't know who made my speakers, I think they're homebrewed, but I like 'em.

I'm surprised no one here has a dynaco 70. they were good enough for sunn. I think they go for about $300. considered one of the classic tube amps of the 60s.
m.koren wrote:Fuck, I knew it. You're a Blues Lawyer.

What s in your Hi-Fi?

kerble asked:
they should be able to screw into any old head casing, right? with the two silver screws?

I don't see why not. I had two Grado Platinums instaled in standard headshells so when I dj I don't have to subject my vinyl to a Grandmaster Flash abused stylus...

cjh wrote:
A minor revelation - I'd recommend the Denon DL-160

Yup, my turntable guy talked me into one. The Grado Platinum does track better, but I love the way the DL-160 sounds.

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