steve wrote:Where in this conversation did I say anything like this?
Oh noes! I've misrepresented you. You did, however, say, "your novelty guitars aren't even as funny as those made by the Heavils," which assumes that (i) you believe that Fred was shooting for humor over other, more substantive considerations, and (ii) that you are no stranger to references far more obscure than "Moe Howard." While that wasn't your complaint, it does merit discussion.
steve wrote:I have no doubt that given a reasonable latitude to define the term "good," one could make a guitar that sounded "good" out of almost anything.
No argument here... what's your point, genius?
steve wrote:Choosing to do that with castoff scraps and junkyard stuff rather than making one out of regular guitar stuff is a novelty.
Ah, the World According to Steve Albini. Even if it *is* a novelty, it doesn't diminish its value as an instrument. But by calling it a novelty, that is precisely what you are attempting to do. Of course, not everyone will see it as novelty. I don't. I think of them as works of art, with a bit of novelty thrown in for good measure. But think whatever you like, Jerry Lewis. No one's losing any sleep, and the guitars still play like a dream.
steve wrote:Getting pissy when somebody notices that it is a novelty is acting like a prick.
And getting pissy over someone getting pissy is acting like a cunting pig dick. Or a prick. Whichever you prefer, Sunshine.
steve wrote:And also I guess a lot of people hate me. Waa.
I would expect no less from you. Unflinching to the end. But hey, you don't have to guess, Punchy. I tell it like it is. And sure, Fred can be a prick from time to time, just like you and possibly all of us. The only difference is: he would be doing so intentionally, whereas you cannot help yourself. If people stopped giving people business because they were pricks, you'd be kicked to the curb like yesterday's transvestite hooker. Fucking bitch-ass Butch Vig wannabe.