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crap-not crap: paul mccartney
Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:51 am
by Angus Jung
full point wrote:"Well Well, Take Off Your Face,
Recover From The Trip You've Been On.
I Want To Lie On The Bed,
Get You Ready For My body gun.
I'm Gonna Do It To You, Gonna Do It,
Sweet Banana, You've Never Been Done.
Yes, I Go Like A Rabbit, Gonna Grab It,
Gonna Do It 'Til The Night Is Done.
We're Gonna Get Hi Hi Hi With The Music On."
The lyrics to "Helter Skelter" are similar. Want me to make you, don't let me break you, etc.
It's kind of cool when cute li'l "Macca" displays this streak of comic sexual braggadocio. It shows that there's a genuine sense of humor lurking there somewhere.
Sweet Banana! Even a vegetarian can eat one of those!
crap-not crap: paul mccartney
Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 10:42 am
by andyman_Archive
Promo shot for his new album "Memory Almost Full":
crap-not crap: paul mccartney
Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 10:46 am
by Skronk_Archive
I don't like any of his post-Beatles music. Wings, or solo, it's just not that good.
crap-not crap: paul mccartney
Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:27 pm
by Minotaur029_Archive
NOT CRAP. Was a Beatle...seems that it was ultimately Paul's being a little bitch that killed the Beatles, but oh well. They probably couldn't've been too far from starting to suck anyway.
Great bass player, wrote great songs while he was in the Beatles...great musician...
Lousy, annoying piece of shit otherwise.
crap-not crap: paul mccartney
Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:34 pm
by Ace_Archive
It's disconcerting, because no matter how bad he gets i have the sinking feeling that he KNOWS what a sell-out dipshit he looks like. It's almost as if he knows exactly what is expected of him, and so to play it safe he just keeps playing that role.
He's a very smart, very talented man, but for the past 30 years he's been doing the utmost minimum for him to get paid billions, and has made us suffer through his awful mediocre output all the way. That is CRAP any way you look at it.
crap-not crap: paul mccartney
Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 10:53 pm
by SecondEdition_Archive
Macca w/Beatles - Changed popular music forever, recorded some of the greatest songs that will ever be written in the history of humanity for eight years
Macca post-Beatles - Changed nothing in the wake of that, couldn't with slight exceptions pull a decent tune out of his ass for thirty-seven years
In terms of time spent wasting time artistically, Crap
In terms of accomplishment, Not Crap
In terms of "Helter Skelter", Not Fucking Crap Ever
so I guess not crap but only slightly because good Christ does his solo shit suck.
crap-not crap: paul mccartney
Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 11:51 pm
Minotaur029 wrote:seems that it was ultimately Paul's being a little bitch that killed the Beatles, but oh well.
It's the opposite. Let It Be would have never been finished if it weren't for the Paul's insistence on keeping the group together, and Abbey Road would never have been recorded. (I don't know if this is a good thing -- it's shitty human behavior, but it resulted in Abbey Road)
As far as doing what's expected of him -- what about Ringo! I don't feel Paul is being insincere at all; if you look at the way he behaved, composed, and promoted himself while he was in the Beatles, and compare it to now, he's exactly the same.
It wouldn't be fair for me to vote crap or not crap on his music, since I haven't heard anything since The Beatles except Band on the Run and Venus & Mars - both great albums. They have their share of Paul's "granny songs," as John Lennon referred to them, but they're catchy and fun.
A couple of years ago I probably would have said Paul Mccartney is Crap. But I don't think that would fair. I'm sure I'll change my mind later, then change it back, then change it again, etc, etc...
crap-not crap: paul mccartney
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 12:47 am
by Boombats_Archive
HATE Wings.
But I let Mr. McC. live. Can't fuck with his basslines. Can't fuck with the Beatles when they were in top form. He was able to deal with Lennon without shooting him (AFAIK).
Wood Goblin wrote: But he also moved vegetarianism and animal welfare issues from the fringes into popular consciousness. These particular issues mean a lot to me, and when I look back at the recent history of that movement, one cannot deny that Paul McCartney played the largest role of any animal welfare advocate in the western world.
That too. And he boned an amputee! Shouldn't have dumped her though, not without sending her my way.
crap-not crap: paul mccartney
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 1:46 am
by Steve V_Archive
Paul McCartney is a fucking pussy.
Paul McCartney's songs fucking suck.
Paul McCartney's marries dumb fucking women.
Paul McCartney is a fucking cunt.
crap-not crap: paul mccartney
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 1:57 am
by etch_Archive
Paul McCartney:
Beatles music = Not Crap
Solo Music = Crap overall with one or two exceptions.
Bass Player = Not crap
So not crap, but I acknowledge that his solo stuff sucks and John was my favorite Beatle.