endofanera wrote:Naw, that assumption is pretty much bullshit. A visit to almost any city in the US would make this abundantly clear. Youve been here, right?
Yep, over 10 times.
endofanera wrote:I really can't see where you'd draw that conclusion based on the four pages of discussion here. I havent heard any of the non-drinky USers on this thread imply anything even remotely moral about their decision. Ive heard a lot of health reasons for not drinking, and a few folks expressing concern with their ability to handle alcohol in a responsible fashion or a way they find pleasant, and even a few expressing dislike of the booze's flavor or effects, but there's been nothing "moral" in any of these decisions.
I should have been a little clearer; it’s not really this board but a cultural difference in general. Like the way on every mainstream US drama as soon as someone has a drink you know something bad is going to happen to them. The best satire of this is that Simpson episode where Marge has a glass of wine in the late morning and the “dan dan daaaa!!!!” music kicks off.
endofanera wrote:As I stated earlier, I dont drink, largely for health reasons. I often think drinking (or more precisely, the way I see most folks drink) is pretty stupid, but I ascribe no element of morality to their or my decision. Neither is right nor wrong. It would be silly to think otherwise. No one Ive met yet in my travels around the US, drink-o-phile or not, has been that silly.
I think the only reasonable conclusion you could draw is that Europeans are simply more stupider than United Statesians.
Not really, there is nothing
more healthy about not drinking. It all depends on what you define as drinking. When I consume alcohol it’s usually wine with food. I’d drink beer to the point of being drunk around once every two weeks and even then not to a crazy excess. Apart from the UK, this is would be the average drinking habit of most of Europe. My Italian wife and her friends would never have more than four drinks when they go out on a weekend. I guess it has to do with cultural perceptions of how alcohol is used. In Europe it is usually drank with a meal over an evening, in the UK and US more people use drinking as ends unto itself.*
*Contains sweeping generalisations, and conjecture.