Seen any good movies lately?

mmmribsmmm wrote:I just saw The Hunger Games yesterday. I enjoyed to jabs taken at American culture. The whole movie reminded me of 1984 with the imagery. I also thought they borrowed heavily from steampunk with the costume designs and makeup.Isn't the whole story stolen from Battle Royale? Which was also written in novel form before Hunger Games.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Seen any good movies lately?

I looked at the free weekly a day too late to see that a screening of Wiseman's Juvenile Court was on Friday evening. So I did not see that good movie lately. Dammit.However, I did grab at the library The Exterminating Angel and Two-Lane Blacktop so I shall enjoy those this week.
Acura Commercial wrote:Sometimes, luxury needs to howl at the moon.

Seen any good movies lately?

enframed wrote:mmmribsmmm wrote:I just saw The Hunger Games yesterday. I enjoyed to jabs taken at American culture. The whole movie reminded me of 1984 with the imagery. I also thought they borrowed heavily from steampunk with the costume designs and makeup.Isn't the whole story stolen from Battle Royale? Which was also written in novel form before Hunger Games.I was thinking about it. I've never seen Battle Royale, but I read a wikipedia page on it. The Hunger Games is making a critique of the power structure in the U.S. A friend is urging me to read the book so I'm going to. The movie isn't just about a bunch of kids that have to kill each other, it goes a bit further than that. I think it's the kind of movie this country needs in major theatres. Check it out, I dug it.

Seen any good movies lately?

Zorg wrote:Adrian wrote:Riff Magnum wrote:pymm wrote:If you like watching a brainy Keira Knightly getting voluntarily flogged then A Dangerous Method is for you.I thought Fassbinder was really good in this. Movie was good. Not Cronenbergs best, butit's up there.Watched this last night. Fassbinder does indeed put in a very strong performance.Exceptional, if you consider that he's been in a grave the last 30 years.There's method, and there's method.

Seen any good movies lately?

Riff Magnum wrote:pymm wrote:If you like watching a brainy Keira Knightly getting voluntarily flogged then A Dangerous Method is for you.I thought Fassbinder was really good in this. Movie was good. Not Cronenbergs best, butit's up there.Watched this last night. Fassbinder does indeed put in a very strong performance.

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