Podcasts of the Left

jimmy spako wrote:llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:The Antifada episode with Matt Christman from Chapo that came out recently is stellar.Seconding, excellent.llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:Looks like FM connor is out. That bums me out!Out where? Not nuked out I hope.That sucks. Connor and I became good friends through the board and then had a bit of a falling out but it was never nasty.

Podcasts of the Left

Andrew. wrote:That sucks. Connor and I became good friends through the board and then had a bit of a falling out but it was never nasty.Yes, it does. Do you know if he faced threats or other nonsense from right-wing (or other) agitators over his activism or journalism? That was the first thing I thought of, though of course it could be unrelated.
chrysler wrote:The home page says "Welcome!", but the message board sometimes does not.

Podcasts of the Left

jimmy spako wrote:llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:Looks like FM connor is out. That bums me out!Out where? Not nuked out I hope.I'm not seeing his posts in this thread, I assume he took the nuclear option. That's really sad to hear if that's the case. People, stop doing that! Unless you really want to.

Podcasts of the Left

Adam Sr wrote:FFS. This whole fucking forum should be nuked from orbit.It's none of my business as to why, and I think folks should have the option to do so, but still... there's been a mass exodus lately and it's really saddening. I still go through tons of decade old posts made up entirely of ex-FMs, and I'd hate for the posterity of the content here to be messed with so much (though I guess that's probably the idea).

Podcasts of the Left

I thought maybe this would fit in here better than the documentary thread (and sorry it's not directly podcast related), but has anyone watched The Lobby yet? Al Jazeera Investigations exposes how the Israel lobby influences British politics. A six-month undercover investigation reveals how Israel penetrates different levels of British democracy.Al Jazeera was pressured into suppressing the release entirely, but its been leaked. I haven't watched it yet, but I've heard good things from The Intercept podcast and a few other shows.

Podcasts of the Left

Get dog costumes wrote:Andrew. wrote:That sucks. Connor and I became good friends through the board and then had a bit of a falling out but it was never nasty.Yes, it does. Do you know if he faced threats or other nonsense from right-wing (or other) agitators over his activism or journalism? That was the first thing I thought of, though of course it could be unrelated.Man, I don t know about threats but that guy gets so much shit from every corner of the internet that I wouldnt be surprised if it were ˜leftists that were the problem.

Podcasts of the Left

Maybe he is going to be running Bernie's campaign and needed to do a good scrubbing first In all seriousness, godspeed, Connor, and best to you and yours. You fought the good fight here like Andrew, Warmowski and a host of others, and showed a lot of love and commitment for/to this ragtag bunch whether everybody always realised it or not. Be well.

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