jason from volo wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:33 am
ErickC wrote: Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:22 pm
It's a superior system by far.
It also generally forces people to choose between one of only two feasibly successful options, leaving many of us who do not perfectly align with either party a choice to vote for one of two less than optimal options or to waste our vote. I realize that many people don't see this as a negative. I do.
No, it doesn't. With a PR system, the party you vote for receives a proportional number of seats to its vote total. This gives third parties a much better chance at having representation because they don't need to receive a plurality of the vote to win a seat, they only need to receive a proportion of the votes that is large enough to gain a seat (i.e. larger than rounding error). It's akin to the difference between the proportional electoral votes in Maine or Nebraska and the winner-takes-all votes in every other state.
That's another discussion. The popular vote movement is stupid and the popular vote compact is also stupid. The former is taking a much more difficult route than is actually necessary to achieve the end goal of more accurate representation in presidential elections ("gee, let's try to pass a constitutional amendment that half of the states are always going to reject") and the latter is just another way of enforcing a different kind of winner-takes-all system, which just shifts the advantage of an unfair system (winner-takes-all) from one party to the other. Winner-takes-all is the root problem, not the electoral college, and the sooner people realize it the better.
It would be much easier to convert the states to the "Congressional District Method" used by Maine and Nebraska. Threaten to withhold federal law enforcement funding to whip the red states in line and threaten to withhold TANF funds to whip the blue states in line. This is precisely why the drinking age is 21 across all 50 states. The Federal government has no power to set a Federal drinking age. But they had the power to withhold highway funding. If you want to get people to do things, you have to do it with the purse strings. And I'm pretty sure this could be done by the executive branch as an administrative thing, i.e. Congress can go fuck themselves and a constitutional amendment won't be required.
The Democrats are just too gutless and stupid to do what needs to be done so they throw all their superficial language into a popular vote movement that will never succeed.