One of 2 bands I thank the stars for every day for having been lucky enough to be alive to witness them perform during their peak existence. You can not use too much hyperbole when describing them. Everything you have heard is true.
Seeing The Jesus Lizard for the first time was the closest I have ever come to having a religious experience. This was true for each of the other 10 times I saw them between 1990 and 1994. Every show was a religious experience.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
I hate playing the "if you weren't there you have no idea" card but seriously, if you weren't there and didn't see them live then you have no idea what you missed. They were the most intense shows I have ever been to. The band and the crowd were as one.
When I would hear the first slides of "Nub" or the first chunks of "Seasick" coming over the PA I would experience physical sensations greater and more profound then any orgasm. Those songs still send chills down my spine. I feel light and fuzzy just writing about it.
They were huge and there will never be a better live band.
In searching youtube for JL videos to punctuate this posting I found the
last Jesus Lizard show I ever went to. Even with the Strat they were great.
Quick JL story - I worked at my college radio station in Boston and used that fact to interview as many of my favorite bands as I could. At the end of interviewing The Jesus Lizard in the fall of 1992 I was invited to stick around until the show started but I told David Yow I had to get back to my dorm and finish a paper for school before coming back later for the show. David's response to that?
"Fuck school Graham."
So I fucked school that day to hang out with David Yow and smoke a jay with Mac McNeilly.
Sometime in I think 1998 I saw Killdozer at Lounge Ax. I made my way to the washroom downstairs and who is using the urinal next to me? David Yow.
"Oh, hey David Yow." I say.
"Hey man how's it going?" He replies.
"Good. You may not remember me but I interviewed you a few years ago when I was in college and you invited me to hang out after. I had a blast. Thanks for that"
"Cool, glad you enjoyed yourself. I hope you ended up finishing college too. School's very important you know."