
Total votes: 15 (19%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 64 (81%)
Total votes: 79

Band: Portishead

This here Portishead is fucking fantastic, seriously. They are doing exactally what I've always wanted them to do on record...they are a full on BAND on it like they are live. They dumped the DJ scratching, just jamming the fuck out. I am just sitting here with my mouth open.
There's only one not so awesome track and it's just a little 2 minute acoustic guitar thing.

4 fucking stars, all the way.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Band: Portishead

My wife used to be a big Portishead fan but they always left me cold. I'm grooving all the fuck over "Third" but the wife says "meh".

I don't know what's wrong with her.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

Band: Portishead

Benny wrote:holy fucking shit. i just heard that 'peaches' song (we carry on, on the record) and it's fucking awesome.

Still sounds exactly like the Silver Apples. Is this supposed to be a tribute, like that United States of America thing they did on the last album?

So strange that the first sample on the record is in portuguese, I thought it was a fake for a few minutes. No general opinion yet. Certainly less bombast than last time around.

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