al Zarqawi Air Strike
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:37 am
Hour_of_the_Wolf wrote:
The pot calling the kettle black. One idealogical nutbag to another. Ever heard of opposites attract?
Hey, moron-
Pot calling the kettle black translates to "matthew and CB are the same".
One idealogical[sic] nutbag to another translates to "matthew and CB are the same".
And then you say, "Ever heard of opposites attract?", which means what, matthew and CB are different, but we cohabitate in threads? Which we don't. matthew hunts me down for attention- I never think of him and will not reply to his posts again, which says what about the future validity of "opposites attract"?
Still ducking all the replies you left hanging in the Three Iraqs thread, too, wolfie? Go apologize some more for the war your Halliburton daddy profits from, or whatever multinational mercenary force he graduated to from military service.