Crap or Not Crap?

Total votes: 5 (7%)
Not Crap?
Total votes: 69 (93%)
Total votes: 74

HBO Drama: The Wire

eephour wrote:Anyone catch those shorts that are up on HBO demand? There fuckin cool. There like these three one minute shorts that deal with a few character's past. There is a young Prop Joe selling tests in school, a young Omar and the first time Bunk and Mcnulty met.

I saw those. They were pretty cool. A friend gave me the scripts for these shorts. Someone also gave me the scripts for seasons 2 and 3 in pdf files. I guess I could forward them if anyone wants 'em.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

HBO Drama: The Wire

Season Five, Episode 1 is on On Demand right now.

Fucking awesome. Lots of shit is going to go down this season. Marlo, wow.

Still the best show on television

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Oof. This sentence is terrible.

As in Dale Jr.'s English Language Handbook terrible.

God, we're all fucked.

HBO Drama: The Wire

oucheh wrote:Season Five, Episode 1 is on On Demand right now.

Fucking awesome. Lots of shit is going to go down this season. Marlo, wow.

Still the best show on television


I can select it, but my On Demand in On Defritz. Cable guy says he can send someone one wednesday?! Fucking Time Warner.

Can't spoilers please.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

HBO Drama: The Wire

kenoki wrote:argh!! episode one on ondemand?? i have to wait until boobrains comes home tonight... although i did cash out season 4 without him so, i mean, maybe he should catch up first, which means i can go ahead and watch it. sure that sounds fair. thanks for the heads up!

It dissapeared...I swear to god. It was there last night. Episode 51. It's just gone. Maybe they made a mistake. Bastards!

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

HBO Drama: The Wire

Dr. Venkman wrote:
kenoki wrote:argh!! episode one on ondemand?? i have to wait until boobrains comes home tonight... although i did cash out season 4 without him so, i mean, maybe he should catch up first, which means i can go ahead and watch it. sure that sounds fair. thanks for the heads up!

It dissapeared...I swear to god. It was there last night. Episode 51. It's just gone. Maybe they made a mistake. Bastards!

it's on the ondemand website! i will check cable right now.

edit: yup, i've still got it. time warner is effing with you dude!

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