Michael Richards " Kramer" snaps at comedy club
Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:29 pm
H-GM wrote:I get so tired of hearing this bullshit that "nigger" is just a word. You go and tell that to an older black woman who had to drink from a separate water fountain; go and tell that to some twentysomething black kid who had to grow up with around white kids calling him a "nigger;" go and tell that to the families of the poor, black men who were involved in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study; go and tell that to Emmett Till's family; go and tell that to Coretta Scott King's children; go and tell that to the families of Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner; go and tell that to Rodney King; go and tell that to the x-amount of young black men & women who've been racially profiled; go and tell that to the x-amount of middle easterners who've been racially profiled; go and tell that to Matthew Shephard's mom; go and tell it to survivors of the holocaust; go and tell it to the families of Malcom X & Betty Shabazz; go and tell that to the millions of people, white, black, latino, asian, european, who tire of apathetic, lassiez-faire excuses for ignorant, insensitive, and offensive comments. Just a word my black ass. [rocks out]
It must be nice to be able to live your life where you can casually brush-off hearing someone call someone else a "nigger," "spic," "faggot," "kike," "chink," ad nauseum. But for many, many, many people they are not "just words" as you so simplistically put it. They are intentional, pointed, insulting, and offensive reminders of how some people have been murdered, raped, gassed, lynched, infected, had their churches burned down, personal lives delved into, disrespected, and generally made to feel worse than a piece of shit.
It has nothing at all to do with being PC, white guilt, or any other lame excuseable affliction, but everything to do with being a decent human being. I will never understand the people who get up in arms and defensive of people who are caught being insensitive assholes. But, most importantly, I don't think I will ever understand the mentality that would choose to belittle and disrespect those who decide to stand-up, in whatever medium, format, etc., and say that this sort of ignorant behavior is inexcusable.
most ridiculous post ever...for a multitude of reasons i dont have time to explain. maybe we can beat our heads against the wall together at a later date.