My mistake. Although I stand by my wider point, which is that there's a lot of debate and misinformation pertaining to the number of immigrants coming in to the UK.
The Daily Mail is a vile rag, but that doesn't mean that it won't occasionally have a point. Despite disagreeing with the tone of the article posted, and also being wary of the wider agenda of the newspaper, it does raise some issues that need to be discussed.
daily mail 1-2-08 wrote:According to the MigrationWatch think tank, a culture of benefits dependency is fostering an "underclass of discouraged British workers".
With regards to the above statement, change the term "discouraged" to "lazy" and I think you've just about got it. "Discouraged" makes it sound like everyone's down in the dumps about all these ruddy immig'ants coming over here and stealing the jobs of honest Joes. The reality is that people born here just like whining, and are so spoilt as to think of themselves as above doing the jobs that the immigrant workforce undertake. It was bad enough when the middle class had a sense of entitlement, now it's infected the working class too.