Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk

clocker bob wrote:
TobiasTheCommie wrote:If you have any specific questions please ask.

My question: you joined the forum on February 9, 2007, and you were armed and loaded with info on the autism question. Are you part of the Eli Lilly 'rapid response' team that goes around the web trying to put out any Thimerosal brushfires?

I answered that already.

These are all articles i have written on my websites. Go and see, there is a date showing when i wrote them.

I have no idea who Eli Lilly is.

And what is wrong with putting out Thimerosal bushfires if it is with proper scientific evidence?
Last edited by TobiasTheCommie_Archive on Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk

clocker bob wrote:
Wood Goblin wrote:Bob, I read the scientific literature every day, and the autism-vaccine link has been thoroughly debunked.

Most of the studies that demonstrated this were NOT tied to the industry
, and you cannot change that simple fact by repeating your gossip-magazine conspiracies.

And that shows your bias.

Could you please show some evidence to YOUR claim that mercury causes autism. I've provided plenty that it doesn't. I have also provided plenty of evidence that chelation doesn't work.

Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk

Ok, i looked to see who Eli Lilly was. And no, i have no connection to him or any other big pharmacy. My work with autism is lectures and courses for people with autism ONLY. I have no other links to any business that has been linked to autism.

But that is besides the point anyways. You are trying to make and ad homin attack and attack me by making the claim that i work for "The Industry" instead of actually arguing my data.

Please, don't make this personal. Argue against the information i wrote, anything else is irrelevant. Who i work i don't work for doesn't matter. I could work for Hitler and still say something true. And yes, that is hyperbole and i just invoked godwins law(hey, better get it out of the way).

But it doesn't matter who i am, or who i work for, all that matters is the data.

Even with that, I work for Asperger Resource Center which is a danish company(soon to be renamed i believe), and i have never worked for any other company(besides for delivering newspapers on weekends when i was 14).

So, are you ready to argue against my posts?

Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk

TobiasTheCommie wrote:Ok, i looked to see who Eli Lilly was.

That's cute. I started the thread at 5pm Thursday. You are telling me what- that you just happened to be Googling for 'autism' later that evening, somehow this thread appeared in the early results ( there's no way it would have ), you promptly went to the EA forum, got signed up, and appeared in this thread with reams of footnoted articles disputing the vaccine=autism connection?

Is that your story?

Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk

clocker bob wrote:
TobiasTheCommie wrote:Ok, i looked to see who Eli Lilly was.

That's cute. I started the thread at 5pm Thursday. You are telling me what- that you just happened to be Googling for 'autism' later that evening, somehow this thread appeared in the early results ( there's no way it would have ), you promptly went to the EA forum, got signed up, and appeared in this thread with reams of footnoted articles disputing the vaccine=autism connection?

Is that your story?

TobiasTheCommie wrote:OK I was directed to this thread from the JREF forum and will now give you my personal and professional opinion on this matter.

Personal opinion is from coming with a family with a lot of autism in it.
Professional from my last 5 years of working with it. I hold courses and lectures on the subject for a living.
Eat me.

Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk

Wood Goblin wrote: arguing with you is an exercise in futility, because you are also one of the most close-minded persons I've ever encountered. I mean, seriously, you're using the same kind of arguments that global warming skeptics and creationists use!

You trust your government, and you think their studies that absolve the pharmaceuticals of blame are objective. You are just as biased as me, with less reason, because if you were a student of the Bush administration's and the GOP congress' cooperation with corporate power and its desire to be unregulated and free from litigation, you would share my suspicion. This history is available- check the FDA, check the lies about global warming, check the refusal to sign the Kyoto accord, check how they treat the mining industry's willingness to kill a few miners every few months. You are the one who needs to wake up.

Back to autism:

Based on this, and based on the top Eli Lilly bribe takers like Bill Frist who made this happen, I will continue to remain suspicious of the vaccine=autism link. If the pharmaceutical industry thought that the only litigation they were ever going to face would be based on 'correlation equals causation', they wouldn't have paid for this rider. I will continue to suspect that they are sitting on studies that prove the link between thimoseral and autism, and I don't remotely care what any corporate apologist tells me otherwise.
Political analysts and the parents of autistic children were baffled when it was learned, shortly after the passage of the HSA, that a rider to the bill had been added just prior to passage, that would shield Eli Lilly and the pharmaceutical industry from billions of dollars in anticipated lawsuits over vaccines. "It's a mystery to us," who inserted the rider, said Eli Lilly spokesman Rob Smith at the time. The provision was designed to force lawsuits over the preservative thimoseral, calling the suits into a special 'vaccine court'[1
Last edited by clocker bob_Archive on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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