Antero wrote:ctrl-s wrote:Do you think there was a causal connection between Dave's departure and them turning to shit?
In a way. The meat of Gang of Four was the rhythm section, which was less two-guys-playing and more a single, giant, rampaging steam-and-pistons war machine. I think it was the attempt to make up for that, in part, that resulted in their downfall.
Well put.
I love Andy Gill's playing as much as I love my own life, but without a super solid foundation, there's nothing there. His playing is, in a way, a response to the rhythm section.
At the same time, though, keep in mind that number of songs from Songs of the Free are actually pretty badass when stripped of their shitty production and sluggish tempos and thrown into a live set, so I don't think we can just blame Allen for the idiotic production decisions that followed.
If I'm in a generous mood, I can hear good things in about 3 songs on Songs of the Free.
In the end, they were a "sum of the parts" band if there ever was one. Sara Lee or Busta Cherry just weren't part of that. They didn't form the manifesto together and that was a big part of why the band was great. Take David Sims out of Scratch Acid and sorry, you no longer have Scratch Acid.
I think it's worth noting that the only reason Songs of the Free has even a smidgen of redeeming qualities is because
half of that rhythm section was still there. After Hugo split, then it was totally sunk.
Also, even though I didn't like the "hit" by Shreikback, "Nemesis," and therefore thought for many years that I didn't like them as a band, I bought their "Y Records Years" collection and it's clear to me that Allen is one hell of a talent. Those songs are great. They range from sort of post-post-punk to bliss out, and I love most of it.
Any attempt to reform witout Allen has been a failure in retrospect. The last wave of shows, however, were fantastic. Also remember that Allen was the only working musician when GoF formed. He had a resume' already. My guess is that he had a big influence on making the art/chaos into listenable music.
So, Ctrl-S, yes, I think his departure was absolutely the reason they went downhill.