by scott_Archive
claytron, are you for real?
wasting our lives posting on an internet message forum? what have you been doing here? hurling a series of insults that you and your buddies no doubt find terribly amusing, probably giving each other high-fives via email or messenger as you go?
do you know what steve and others have done here? casually built a great internet resource for folks who are interested in talking about music, recording, gear, even guitar-related stuff like what your buddy fred does, repairing and designing instruments. lots of folks here have worthwhile discussions, answer technical questions, share information and experience...
if you or your entourage of mutual friends had actually spent any amount of time hanging out with steve, I don't get how you could come to these conclusions of yours. in fact, you sound like a thousand other crybabies who repeat ad-nauseum this caracature of steve that seems to be a popular conception of him amongst people who don't actually know him at all. of all the people I know who actually know him, i'm not aware of many if any who think like you do. it's pretty hard to do if you actually know what you're talking about.
so my curiosity is getting the best of me. it's easy to assume you're into recording, and you fully embrace digital recording. seems clear enough, since you keep dragging anti-analog rhetoric into the conversation which should probably still be about your man fred's shop and his unconventional guitars. but aside from that, what's your deal? who are YOU? what do you do? what makes your well-practiced insult hurling impressive? what have you got to back it up? do you do anything interesting? or just jerk yourself off insulting folks?
anything you can do to make it look like you, and by proxy- and more importantly- your buddy fred, are more than just name-callers with a bad case of sour grapes? I don't really care one way or another, but this thread will probably start popping up as one of the first Google results for searches about fred's shop, so you or he might wanna take an opportunity here to say something a bit more... non-assinine than what you've been putting out there so far.
I mean, sure fred's rep is "rock solid" and everything (although I have to admit to never having heard of him before, and generally not paying much mind to novelty guitars) but you could do well to represent the business in a way that isn't so incredibly douchey. wife and kids to feed and whatnot.
and yeah, it's pretty obvious that claytron and fred are not the same person, unless that person is a criminally insane schizo monster or something. the linguistics are just way too different.
anyway, claytron, I know it was a couple-few paragraphs back, but if you wanna have at any of those questions I threw out there, I would genuinely appreciate it.
and ultimately, i'm just kinda curious what your goal is here, other than to throw as many darts at steve as you can, and defend your buddy who seemed to be a lot better off before you took to that task.
btw, I've only ever seen Melvins with Buzz playing a boring Les Paul and not something outrageous. post a pic.
and FWIW, revering Josh Homme in the way you accuse others of revering Steve, that doesn't really go far to prove any kind of point you may have been trying to make. in fact, between the story that started this thread, fred's website, and then your posts in this thread, it's all coming across like... like you guys are jerking yourselves off by elevating Josh and then attaching yourselves beneath him. food for thought, if you like.
"The bastards have landed"
www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album