by vatluggen_Archive
The fact that dimebag and 4 other people got shot and killed is NOT funny at all !!!
and i can´t find anything funny about it !
Some off you guys seams to need a leason i black humour , so i will give you one !!!
An other tragic event happened at the Roskilde festival in Denmark a few years ago..
4or 5 people(ican´t remember exectly how many)was killed by being
pushedtowords the security fence and suffucated..
This happened during the Pearl jam concert !
The festival turned into chaos , people ran around crying , tried to find their friends , girl/boyfriends etc...Phoned home to tell their freinds and family that they were alive.
The people how had been killed was not identified until a few days later.
Ufcourse there was nothing funny about this either and the spirit was low for the rest of the festival..
However , the next day i was walking around the camping area and heard
a bunch of drunk german guys sing"ohh ohh ahh ahh i´m still alive"(the Pearl jam song/hit)and i could´nt help but laughing...
It was definitly tasteless or at least to early to joke about it BUT it was funny!!!!
That is black humour !!