Dimebag Darrell dead.

mattw wrote:Can you picture Bedhead fans doing something like this?

This is the only funny thing I've read in 7 painful pages of a ridiculous argument between twits and nontwits. I know that I've been very guilty of speaking rather cruelly about people losing their lives but I've never said that this act was funny. Now the idea of Bedhead fans killing a member of The New Year and some people in the audience at a show is hilarious simply due the overall unlikeliness of this event occurring. This is the kind of show that would not neccessarily be full of doctors but maybe med students. Anyway RIP Dimebag Darrell.
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!

Dimebag Darrell dead.

The fact that dimebag and 4 other people got shot and killed is NOT funny at all !!!
and i can´t find anything funny about it !
Some off you guys seams to need a leason i black humour , so i will give you one !!!
An other tragic event happened at the Roskilde festival in Denmark a few years ago..
4or 5 people(ican´t remember exectly how many)was killed by being
pushedtowords the security fence and suffucated..
This happened during the Pearl jam concert !
The festival turned into chaos , people ran around crying , tried to find their friends , girl/boyfriends etc...Phoned home to tell their freinds and family that they were alive.
The people how had been killed was not identified until a few days later.
Ufcourse there was nothing funny about this either and the spirit was low for the rest of the festival..
However , the next day i was walking around the camping area and heard
a bunch of drunk german guys sing"ohh ohh ahh ahh i´m still alive"(the Pearl jam song/hit)and i could´nt help but laughing...
It was definitly tasteless or at least to early to joke about it BUT it was funny!!!!
That is black humour !!

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