cesb wrote:Hey, I remember you, you're that one guy! I remember the Milwaukee posse as putting in quite a strong showing in Chicago back in the day. Sieracki, Manfrin, Hutler, Betzwieser, you, Johnny 13 and many many more...It was an infestation of affability.
Photography for Jackson was James Crump (cover only). Steve did quite a bit of touchup work on the Jackson cover photo, there were a lot of hairs, smudges, etc. to be removed. Steve's straight gig for a while had been doing photo retouching at one of the local color houses for Marlboro ads and the like. Steve also did that text treatment on the Jackson cover. This was a world before photoshop filters, mind you. Toast and Clincher were photographed by a commercial photographer named Bob Hanson who we knew through Pat Daly from Empire Records (which spawned the publication Empire Monthly).
Over and Out photography was mostly by me and my trusty Polaroid 100 series land camera with the pack film.
Well, close... I am that one guy, but from Chicago, worked with RS at T&G circa Over and Out and split a party pad with him here. And anyway all those you mention are much nicer than I...
OK, so there was a team of fabulous artsy types involved with the TARtworks... but CESB had the 'vision thing.' Nice work.
And nice mention of Empire -- I used to read the Monthly (but wasn't it more of a Quarterly, really?) and in fact clearly remember buying "Play to Win" there, on Cicero.
Hoo boy, some dang ol' nostalgia!