
Total votes: 47 (72%)
Not Crappe
Total votes: 18 (28%)
Total votes: 65

Chain: Starbucks

clocker bob wrote:Watch 98% of the local television newscasts run this 'news story' in the first ten minutes of their broadcasts

The day Starbucks introduced Egg McMuffins (or whatever they call them), it was front page "news" in all the dailies and commuter papers in Vancouver.

I've spoken with several (former) Starbucks baristas involved in unionizing activity and seen copies of the intimidation letters and memos Starbucks has used. The memos were insane: explicitly accusing unionizers of being "anti-capitalist revolutionaries" looking to squeeze dues from employees, etc. One of the terms the IWW won in a NLRB settlement with Starbucks:

An agreement by Starbucks to end threats, bribes, and surveillance of union members.

Such sweethearts. (I go sometimes)

Chain: Starbucks

They buy us free Starbucks at my work, so hopefully this shit will be better than the horrible shit that I've had to drink from there so far.
I usually just get an apple cider or I tell the chick who goes to get me the closest thing they sell to one of those frappichinos they sell in the bottles at gas stations. What she brings back always sucks. The apple cider is ok, because what could they do to fuck up an apple cider?
Maybe now I can actually order a coffee and not want to vomit because it tastes like a cup of dirt.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Chain: Starbucks

PEPPER! wrote:as a parent I am very grateful for their plentiful and relatively clean bathrooms. about every 5th time I'll buy some cruelty-free water because of this service

my flatmate works in starbucks here in dublin and has had to clean i don't know how many turds off the floor/toilet seat/toilet paper holder. i don't know what it is about their customers but it sure seems like an uphill struggle to keep the bogs clean.

Chain: Starbucks

Starbucks Coffee is crap.

4 pages back someone wrote that it was the only option in London - like the city is some kind of coffee wasteland? WTF. I think this person needs to wander around London a little more. There is always a better option.

Between my flat and the tube there are two Starbucks - but also 3 independent/non-chain coffee houses. It’s not like I like in some kind of posh neighbourhood either.

If you’re coming to London and you need a hand finding something better that Starcrap I am happy to provide you with a list of better places to go.

Chain: Starbucks

B_M_L wrote:Starbucks Coffee is crap.

4 pages back someone wrote that it was the only option in London - like the city is some kind of coffee wasteland? WTF. I think this person needs to wander around London a little more. There is always a better option.

Between my flat and the tube there are two Starbucks - but also 3 independent/non-chain coffee houses. It’s not like I like in some kind of posh neighbourhood either.

If you’re coming to London and you need a hand finding something better that Starcrap I am happy to provide you with a list of better places to go.

London has a shit load of places to have coffee. WAY too many chain places like Starbucks, Pret A Manger etc. but still quite a lot of normal coffee shops to choose from.

My girlfriend and friends work in a backpackers hostel here in Dublin and it's really unbelievable how many American tourists check in and immediately ask where the nearest Starbucks/McDonalds is. Starbucks coffee is not great and McDonalds food is fucking terrible. I know we're not famed for our coffee or cuisine but why fly 5,000 miles just to get the same sub-standard shit you'd get at home?

Chain: Starbucks

The advantage in some countries in europe is that they want you to sit down and drink your coffee, american's are used to drinking coffee from a paper cup on the move. We must be creating capital at all times it is our duty.

Also here in america most of the good local resturants have been replaced by McDonalds, Appleby's, Olive Gardeb and Starbucks and the like. When people come to new york city they go to these places as well.

"People know what they like they like what they know".

Chain: Starbucks

Big John wrote:The advantage in some countries in europe is that they want you to sit down and drink your coffee, american's are used to drinking coffee from a paper cup on the move. We must be creating capital at all times it is our duty.

In Italy is common to just get a paper cup of espresso - stand and drink it fast. It's not because they are creating capital though. It's becuase you can show off the cut of your trousers better while standing. And it offers a better vantage point to admire the ladies.

Chain: Starbucks

sorry if I missed it, but did anyone mention how Starbucks is closing 600 locations nationwide in the next year? Saw this last night.. so there will only be 10 Starbucks per sq mile as opposed to 20.
tmidgett wrote:robert christgau, in a moment of supreme clarity, once called mick mars 'dork-fingered,' which about sums him up

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